When your kid is expelled



What are your options for schooling when your child has been expelled from middle school?


kwillia said:
What did the school counselor say about your options?

Well, we will have a hearing with the school board, the are supposed to call today or tomorrow with a date to see if he will be expelled or not. The counselor didn't talk to me, it was the VP.


wandering aimlessly
There's what, two days left of school?
I guess you're choices will be - new school, alternative learning center, or homeschool.


Well-Known Member
Bronwyn said:
Well, we will have a hearing with the school board, the are supposed to call today or tomorrow with a date to see if he will be expelled or not. The counselor didn't talk to me, it was the VP.
It depends on what they did and what the teachers and principal think of him. When my boy was "expelled" we has a hearing and he only ended up getting a 5 day suspension. His offense was pretty serious, but because he had never had any trouble, and the teachers and administrators stood up for him, the school board was willing to accept a totally absurd explaination.

So what did yours do?


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Bronwyn said:
What are your options for schooling when your child has been expelled from middle school?

If he is definitely expelled, it is usually an alternative learning center, I believe. What does it take to get expelled these days?


Midnightrider said:
It depends on what they did and what the teachers and principal think of him. When my boy was "expelled" we has a hearing and he only ended up getting a 5 day suspension. His offense was pretty serious, but because he had never had any trouble, and the teachers and administrators stood up for him, the school board was willing to accept a totally absurd explaination.

So what did yours do?

Brought a pocket knife to school.

Honor roll student. Boy scout. Never got in trouble before. He is suspended for 10 days pending the hearing. So that means he will miss the first 6 days of 9th grade at the very best.


New Member
Bronwyn said:
What are your options for schooling when your child has been expelled from middle school?

Just give him a beating like the Redskins usually take and then sign him up in a new school.


If thats the case, he should be ok. Having no prior offenses, I'm sure the school board will be lenient in his defense... Good Luck.


Mojo said:
Just give him a beating like the Redskins usually take and then sign him up in a new school.

I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to take him to a new school or not. hubby and I have been considering buying a house in St. Mary's county. If my son is truly expelled, that might be a deciding factor on the move.


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_MightyMouse_ said:
If thats the case, he should be ok. Having no prior offenses, I'm sure the school board will be lenient in his defense... Good Luck.

:yeahthat: They may throw SOMETHING at him just so they look like they aren't letting it go free of any punishment, but I'd be really surprised if he got anything major considering his past.


Salt Life
jenbengen said:
but I'd be really surprised if he got anything major considering his past.
I was expelled from school during the second week of 10th grade. Actually, my mom withdrew me so that I wouldn't be expelled. All for taking some medication (I had been sick) that was not prescribed to me or "checked" into the office. I was an honor student, played sports and was a member of the SGA. I had no prior offenses and a few of my teachers came to my honor. Unfortunately that didn't matter to the principal and BOE for Charles County.
Bronwyn said:
I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to take him to a new school or not. hubby and I have been considering buying a house in St. Mary's county. If my son is truly expelled, that might be a deciding factor on the move.
I'd wait to see what the outcome of the hearing is before getting into a complete panic. The school has no choice but to follow their "zero tolerance" rules put in place and as a result had to immediately enact the 10 day suspension and threat of expulsion. If he is an honor student and has a pretty clean record, I would think the board could (and would) take that into consideration and rescind the expulsion. I sincerely hope the board is willing to take ALL factors into consideration and will rule accordingly. Good luck!
Chasey_Lane said:
I was expelled from school during the second week of 10th grade. Actually, my mom withdrew me so that I wouldn't be expelled. All for taking some medication (I had been sick) that was not prescribed to me or "checked" into the office. I was an honor student, played sports and was a member of the SGA. I had no prior offenses and a few of my teachers came to my honor. Unfortunately that didn't matter to the principal and BOE for Charles County.
So what did you end up having to do to continue your education?


Salt Life
kwillia said:
So what did you end up having to do to continue your education?
That's when and why I moved to VA for two years. Had I not had that option, I'm not sure what my parents would have done.


My son was not sure how I would react. When I came home from work he was still cleaning the house... even the bathroom.

I told him. The worst thing that a parent can hear is that their child has died. And you are still breathing. The second worse thing a parent can hear is that their child is ill and life will never be the same. And you are still healthy. I told him that although this seems devistating, we will get through it, whatever it takes.


New Member
When mine was suspended for the same thing. He was suspending for the 10 days pending a hearing. He was a good student, never got in trouble, etc. They expelled him anyway. Said they needed to make an example out of him. Teachers and students were upset about it. We went the full road with the school/and administrators.

They allowed him home schooling. This was January, he was a senior, and had six months until graduation. The expulsion meant he wasn't allowed to go to prom or walk at commencement. We were beside ourselves with the thought of missing all of that with only one lapse in judgement in 12 years in school.

We consulted an attorney. We filed an appeal and were granted a hearing. Unfortunately, the process is time consuming. We were told by our attorney, not to bring him along, they get their backs up when they see an attorney and think lawsuit. Unfortunately, by the time we followed their process, it was the beginning of May before we were granted a hearing. So we followed his advise and went without an attorney. Our son apologized for the poor judgement.

They accepted his apology and our appeal for him to be able to attend prom and walk. We decided that since he really only had about 4 weeks of school by then that going back to school was probably not a good idea since what he was getting from home school was so much different from what he would have gotten the classroom he probably would be behind. So he finished the year with homeschool, went to prom and the best news of all he got to walk.

I don't like the system. I didn't like what was done to him based on the facts. I also don't think they are consistent. Some kids get harsher sentences than others. The process is too long.
Bronwyn said:
My son was not sure how I would react. When I came home from work he was still cleaning the house... even the bathroom.

I told him. The worst thing that a parent can hear is that their child has died. And you are still breathing. The second worse thing a parent can hear is that their child is ill and life will never be the same. And you are still healthy. I told him that although this seems devistating, we will get through it, whatever it takes.
I love your response... :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Bronwyn said:
My son was not sure how I would react. When I came home from work he was still cleaning the house... even the bathroom.

I told him. The worst thing that a parent can hear is that their child has died. And you are still breathing. The second worse thing a parent can hear is that their child is ill and life will never be the same. And you are still healthy. I told him that although this seems devistating, we will get through it, whatever it takes.
thats exactly what my boy did. Just get all the teachers that you know like him write a letter stating this was out of charecter, and any of the administrators you can get to come to the hearing should help if your boy is a good kid.
Good luck, and dont worry too much