The Luck of the Draw: Sub Memoir


Ubi bene ibi patria
An excellent read!

The Luck of the Draw: The Memoir of a World War II Submariner: From Savo Island to the Silent Service by , Captain C. Kenneth Ruiz USN (Ret.)

Book Description (Amazon)
A coin flip likely saved the life of Kenneth C. Ruiz. It was August 1942 and he was fresh out of the U.S. Naval Academy. He and a classmate flipped a coin to see who would stand watch on the bridge of their heavy cruiser, the Vincennes, off Savo Island as the Marines were landing on Guadalcanal. Ruiz was on the bridge when the ship took a direct hit and sank. He ended up in the pacific without a life jacket, but his classmate and the entire radio room crew perished in the attack.

