Need Suggestions


New Member
Okay now for something completely different. This mommy needs some ideas for finding a babysitter/squasher for the occassional night that the husband and I would like to get out. I have some ideas but also don't want to go broke or have every looney in the county with my phone number. Now I know Kain has offered her daughter's time but with my pets she can't come here, which is a bit akward for us if we want to go out in the evening.

And Kain if your daughter knows anyone who can come here to watch the kids I would love a lead. And that is what I am asking for here people. Leads on good reliable sitters who would not mind the challenge of 2.5 year old twins and a nearly 6 year old. Not to mention the assorted menagerie of 1 dog, 2 cats and a bird, though honestly I would probably ask only that s/he take the dog out once while we are out.


I have some great recommendations Kirsten.... I'll give ya a ring.


New Member
Thanks Kain, I realize I probably won't be using them until the next LOTR movie comes out or we finally get some $$$$ for us to go to dinner instead of turning it right back into the house but I like to have a good amount of lead time so that I can plan things out well. I call it being a Mom Gilantar calls it anal

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Ever think about Velcro, it’s childcare without the caretaker. Cover a wall with it and make little vests for the kids. Stick them on the wall and they will be right there when you get home.


I Need a Beer
Originally posted by Ken King
Ever think about Velcro, it’s childcare without the caretaker. Cover a wall with it and make little vests for the kids. Stick them on the wall and they will be right there when you get home.

Infommercial!!!! :clap: Ken, dude you may have found your money-maker - run with it, don't just limit it to walls, do a velco crib, playpin, etc....:biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Ever think about Velcro, it’s childcare without the caretaker. Cover a wall with it and make little vests for the kids. Stick them on the wall and they will be right there when you get home.

Oldest is nearly 6 and I would say close to 60lbs. He would figure out how to get off it and that would be the end of it. We have thought about boat links and lead weights.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
For the older one, go with a complete Velcro suit instead of a vest. Long sleeve upper garment and long pants for the lower. A high quality Velcro product should withhold his weight. It would probably be cheaper then bi-weekly baby sitting fees.