Hungry Birds


Well-Known Member
I am not a bird person, but they are out there feverishly looking for food. If you have some bread crumbs to spare I'm sure they would love to have some.


New Member
i normally dont feed the birds but i bought a big bag of seed and have put out bread crumbs. the birds are fighting this wind to stay on my bird house to eat. just makes me think about all the other critters out there. we have alot of rabbits where i live and wild cats, where are they all hiding???


art imitating life
I bought bird seed too but since I dont usually feed the lil guys i put it on the ground and now its allcovered up again :(


New Member
I feed the birds every winter. I have been throwing out extra this year. I also throw what vegetables we have left from dinner outside for the other critters. Don't think the feral kitty's will eat my cats dry food though. I suppose I could try. :shrug: