Cable Internet price question


New Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am having a trouble with GMP Express. I used to have Verizon ADSL and now that I moved, I only have an option of getting Cable modem.

Kicker is that they require Extended basic service on top of Internet service.

Point taken that even for ADSL, it generally requires some service before Internet can be connected. What I don't understand is reason behind forcing Extended service. I mean I would rather get Basic service (I don't watch TV that much) and be done with it. I had most basic telephone service (paid about $14) when I had ADSL (I mostly use cell phone). So paying for Basic service is understandable but the Extended Service.

If they need some profit to compensate for expending line cost and all that, I am actually willing to pay $10 more (that will be purely their profit) on top of current price and don't get any TV service at all!

I am wondering if St Mary county franchise rule allows such packaging and if so what would be feasibility of starting the petition.

Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I think it's time for a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. It is BS to have to make us have Extended basic service.

And to top it off, THEY STILL SUCK when you OVER PAY THEM what they are worth.


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
Are you 100% sure you can't get ADSL? When I first tried to subscribe through Verizon, i did it online. It said DSL was not available in my area. BS! My Step-Mom, who lives within 100 feet of me has Verizon DSL. I called up Verizon to check the situation out. They found out the number previously had DSL and the system wasn't updated to show the number no longer had DSL. I had them update the system and a week later I had DSL.

BTW, the number was out of service for over a year when I got it.

It's possible you're in the same situation. Give whichever ISP you're going to use a call directly and have them check on it.


Go Braves!
i never have a problem with my gmp modem. The only time I had was during the rebuild and that was it.:shrug:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by TWL
Are you 100% sure you can't get ADSL? When I first tried to subscribe through Verizon, i did it online. It said DSL was not available in my area. BS! My Step-Mom, who lives within 100 feet of me has Verizon DSL. I called up Verizon to check the situation out. They found out the number previously had DSL and the system wasn't updated to show the number no longer had DSL. I had them update the system and a week later I had DSL.

BTW, the number was out of service for over a year when I got it.

It's possible you're in the same situation. Give whichever ISP you're going to use a call directly and have them check on it.

Here's a question.. Do you have to have phone service to get DSL, or can Verizon give me DSL while not making me have a home phone number?


New Member
Originally posted by CMC122
i never have a problem with my gmp modem. The only time I had was during the rebuild and that was it.:shrug:

Point is not about the technical issues with GMP Express. It is about their packaging of Internet service and specified choice of TV service.


Go Braves!
Sorry dude I was just making conversation.

I do believe that the bundling of services is SUPPOSED to change after they are done the rebuild. Meaning that they won't be able to make you have to get the extended service.


Well-Known Member
Before I even start I have a few points to make.

1. I amtypeing ona Libretto mini laptop with fu##ed up space key.
2. I drank 7 or 8 Crown Royals
3. iam pizzed off that no one responded tomy MP3 thread

with that said,this thread motavaited me. Icalled Verizon and found out I CAN get DSL, so I will callGMPtomorrow and tellthemtokiss my azz and drop me cause THEY SUCK. I juszt signed upfor DSL. I willbbe sure totell themthemainreasonileft iscause they make you get the expanded cable andnot basic.


Well-Known Member
I be got DSL tonight

Your Online DSL service is scheduled to be ready on the Service Ready Date shown below. You should receive your DSL Installation Kit, and any additional equipment you ordered, prior to your Scheduled Service Ready Date.

Order Date: January 22, 2004
Service Type: Verizon Online DSL
Scheduled Service Ready Date: January 30, 2004 after 6 pm