India says no to US request on Sarah Palin


Ubi bene ibi patria
Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

"New Delhi refused American request to elevate Palin’s visit to ministerial status

In an important snub, India last week cold-shouldered Sarah Palin, former Republican US governor and possible contender for the 2012 presidential election, refusing a request for ‘adequate protocol’.

Palin was here for a conclave organised by a media group. The American Embassy in New Delhi sent a request to India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) basically for an elevation in the status of the visit.

The Americans wanted the MEA to treat Palin’s visit at par with a senior ministerial visit. This would have mandated the MEA to depute an official-in-waiting on Palin and arrange for other things like having escort vehicles and guards.

But, the MEA did not upgrade the protocol during Palin’s visit.

This was apparently meant to be a mark of protest against ‘discrimination and racial profiling’ of Indians at American airports."

"The snub to Palin was a reminder that such things should be stopped.

Palin was the Republican running mate to John McCain in the 2008 election, which Barack Obama won. She was on her first visit to India.

The snub in New Delhi was unlike the reception given to her in Israel, where she flew to from India. In India, Palin was not granted audience by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Even External Affairs Minister SM Krishna did not meet Palin.

But, during her two-day visit to Israel, Palin had dinner with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his official residence in Jerusalem."

Bibi, ever the politician.
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Well-Known Member
Probably because she won't bow down to the Indian prime minister like Obowmao will.


New Member
Probably because she won't bow down to the Indian prime minister like Obowmao will.

Just doesn't sound right.

I can't see Obama's Embassy asking for a Sarah Palin visit to be considere ministerial or whatever the term is.

Looks to me like this was asked for and turned down in an attempt to embarrass Palin.

Did she ask the Embassy to do this for her?
Somehow I doubt it.


This. ------------------>
Why would a failed, half-term governor expect any special treatment at all? She doesn't even deserve a discounted cab ride from the airport.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Why would a failed, half-term governor expect any special treatment at all? She doesn't even deserve a discounted cab ride from the airport.

How do we know she did expect any special treatment?? All I read was this:

The American Embassy in New Delhi sent a request to India’s Ministry of External Affairs

That said..I certainly don't see why anyone, Palin included, would have expected 'ministerial' treatment as simply a visiting private citizen on a personal mission. ?


This. ------------------>
How do we know she did expect any special treatment?? All I read was this:

That said..I certainly don't see why anyone, Palin included, would have expected 'ministerial' treatment as simply a visiting private citizen on a personal mission. ?


Maybe Lou Sarah requested the VIP treatment via the embassy. :cheesy:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Maybe Lou Sarah requested the VIP treatment via the embassy. :cheesy:

That I find that difficult if not impossible to believe. They would laugh in her face. What embassy wonk is going to take that kind of request and act on it?? Think about it..all ambassadors are appointed directly by and working directly for...who?:howdy:


This. ------------------>
That I find that difficult if not impossible to believe. They would laugh in her face. What embassy wonk is going to take that kind of request and act on it?? Think about it..all ambassadors are appointed directly by and working directly for...who?:howdy:

Well, she obviously got the VIP treatment in Isreal, where she was rocking her new Star of David bling. Somebody had to have lined that up. Don't know who, unless maybe it's standard procedure for our embassies to make such requests on their own. :shrug:

On second thought, she very well could be starring in season two of "An Idiot Abroad", in which case Ricky Gervais would have lined all that up.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Well, she obviously got the VIP treatment in Isreal, where she was rocking her new Star of David bling. Somebody had to have lined that up. Don't know who, unless maybe it's standard procedure for our embassies to make such requests on their own. :shrug:

On second thought, she very well could be starring in season two of "An Idiot Abroad", in which case Ricky Gervais would have lined all that up.

Further investigation reveals..that the denial of privilege was intended as a direct snub to the US in in general, because India is getting more and more pissed off about the treatment of their nationals, and their government agents in particular, at the hands of our TSA.: Welcome to our nightmare, Raj.:killingme

So it apparently wouldn't have mattered who it was that Obama's State Department requested the VIP treatment for...the Indians had a statement they wanted to make and were waiting for the opportunity to make it.


This. ------------------>
Further investigation reveals..that the denial of privilege was intended as a direct snub to the US in in general, because India is getting more and more pissed off about the treatment of their nationals, and their government agents in particular, at the hands of our TSA.: Welcome to our nightmare, Raj.:killingme

So it apparently wouldn't have mattered who it was that Obama's State Department requested the VIP treatment for...the Indians had a statement they wanted to make and were waiting for the opportunity to make it.
