New Silly Question


New Member
Okay, I'm an obvious first time mother... :)
Is it normal for my 8 day old baby to sleep so much??
I'm talking like 80-85% of the time, he's passed out !!! We had our first appt. w/ the pediatrician today and he says his weight is down... I explained to him that baby Chase is sleeping ALL THE TIME ! He went to sleep last night at midnight and slept until I woke him at 7:00 a.m. ! I asked Dr. Singh today and he just tells me to feed him... hmmm... if he falls asleep while I'm feeding him... which happens all the time... what then??????? And he was born 8 lbs 6 1/2 oz ( C-section) and is down to barely 7 lbs... just looking for some help :-(


24/7 Single Dad
That's pretty much what they do at that age, eat, sleep, crap, repeat

They can't do much of anything so they get bored and go back to sleep
Yes, newborns sleep all the time. I had to wake my son every 3-4 hours to eat. That's normal for newborns.

If he's falling asleep while eating, have you tried removing his clothes? Gently tickling him? I had the same problem with my son and it was a job to keep him awake to eat.
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off the shelf
He's only 8 days old. If he's losing weight instead of gaining you have to wake him to eat and Dr. Singh should have told her that.


losing over a pound of weight is not a good thing with newborns....I don't think any of mine lost that much weight after birth

My grand daughter was a good sleeper(my kids were good eaters :lol:) and her parents had to continuously wake her up to eat or keep eating....take the blankets off, undress down to a undershirt and diaper, or tickling usually keeps them awake long enough to eat


My Sweetest Boy
Okay, I'm an obvious first time mother... :)
Is it normal for my 8 day old baby to sleep so much??
I'm talking like 80-85% of the time, he's passed out !!! We had our first appt. w/ the pediatrician today and he says his weight is down... I explained to him that baby Chase is sleeping ALL THE TIME ! He went to sleep last night at midnight and slept until I woke him at 7:00 a.m. ! I asked Dr. Singh today and he just tells me to feed him... hmmm... if he falls asleep while I'm feeding him... which happens all the time... what then??????? And he was born 8 lbs 6 1/2 oz ( C-section) and is down to barely 7 lbs... just looking for some help :-(

My dr. always said wake them during the day and make sure they eat and let them sleep at night.

Losing a pound in such a short time is NOT normal at least it sure doesn't seem like it.


If he is losing that much weight you should wake him at least every 3 hours to eat some doctors would say very two hours. It is normal for them to lose weight after they are born but not more than 10% of their body weight. If he falls asleep while eating then tickle his feet.
Also, I forgot to ask if you've set up a weight check at the pedi's office? You should do that until he gets back to his birth weight.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My son did not sleep for the first six months of his life. I was psychotic with fatigue. But HE was abnormal - newborns typically sleep a lot.

Also it's not unusual for them to lose a little bit of weight in the first week or so, but 1.5 lbs seems like too much. Like Pixie mentioned, try giving him a bottle of breast milk and see if that doesn't perk him up. If I were snuggled up against someone warm who was giving me food, I'd nod off too. :lol:


Losing about 10 pct of body wieght after birth is not uncommon and should come back soon.

Newborns lose 10% of weight - January 2011 Birth Club - BabyCenter

A newborn baby can lose up to 10% of her body weight in the days following birth. This is simply because the baby needs more food that he or she can actually consume. After ten days to two weeks, your baby should have regained her birth-weight and be starting to gain weight

Understanding Newborn Weight Gain

Newborn Weight Loss |


New Member
Although new babies do sleep a lot, it isn't always normal. My daughter who is now 24 and healthy, was born with a congenital heart defect. One of the first signs (to me) was her excessive sleeping a very little eating. Many babies are born with a hole in the heart, which in most cases closes shortly after birth. In some cases this hole doesn't close and requires corrective surgery. Now, I'm not trying to alarm you, but it's better to be safe then sorry. I would voice my concerns to the pediatrician and REQUEST a referral to Children's hospital. They will do a few simple non-invasive tests that could put your mind at ease. I will say that in general a doctor can hear a murmur when this condition exists; however, there are many other congenital heart defects that can go undetected by a pediatrican. Trust me. Better to be safe then sorry. I wish you the best.


Cleopatra Jones
My son did not sleep for the first six months of his life. I was psychotic with fatigue. But HE was abnormal - newborns typically sleep a lot.

Also it's not unusual for them to lose a little bit of weight in the first week or so, but 1.5 lbs seems like too much. Like Pixie mentioned, try giving him a bottle of breast milk and see if that doesn't perk him up. If I were snuggled up against someone warm who was giving me food, I'd nod off too. :lol:

That was G's problem. After I took him off the boob all he did was eat and sleep. Best infant ever. N NEVER slept! :cds: 9 years later I think I'm still catching up!


Dream Stealer
The weight loss seems fairly normal to me..they do that..esp breastfed infants (they lose more weight initially) girl lost a pound herself..and by the next appt gained it back. She slept through many of her feeding the first week as well..but by about 2-3 weeks or so was so much more awake and alert and I didn't have to try to wake her anymore..she's still an excellent sleeper too. if your pediatrician isnt too worried, I think it will be fine. Just wake him often during the day..and let him sleep at


Dream Stealer
The weight loss seems fairly normal to me..they do that..esp breastfed infants (they lose more weight initially) girl lost a pound herself..and by the next appt gained it back. She slept through many of her feeding the first week as well..but by about 2-3 weeks or so was so much more awake and alert and I didn't have to try to wake her anymore..she's still an excellent sleeper too. if your pediatrician isnt too worried, I think it will be fine. Just wake him often during the day..and let him sleep at

Also I am pretty sure I read somewhere that csection infants are a little larger at birth then they would have been, because they swell from the fluids as well..and excess water weight is what they lose that first week (they are born with extra fluid because milk doesn't come in for a few days, and they live on their fluid and colostrum until it does)


Active Member
When mine was still that little (he's 5 months now) he slept pretty constantly. He'd wake up every 1.5-3 hours for food, around the clock. He only just recently (in the last month, maybe) started sleeping through the night.

Toe tickling works pretty well to keep them awake for feeding. Also just try shifting around positions. It sounds mean, but make them a little too uncomfortable to fall asleep while eating. Not painful uncomfortable, but things like toe tickling, sitting them up a bit more, maybe some light jiggling. Try pumping a bit and giving him a bottle instead of a boob.

Did you ask your pedi about how much he's sleeping at night? I don't think they should be doing it that young. I don't think they should be able to, their stomachs are so tiny!


Active Member
Baby weight loss is very normal for a baby to loose weight, and to sleep almost constantly through the day & night. Was he Jaundice? Keep up with the Breast Feeding if that's what you are doing, but maybe supplement with a Formula here & there. My Daughter started sleeping 6 hours a night when she was 2 weeks old, and Chase isn't much younger that that. One of the best ways to know if there are any heart problems, is to look at his lips, fingers & toes when he cries. If there is any blue tint, especially to the lips, he should go to the Hospital. But of's better to let the Doctor determine that. As posted earlier..better to be safe!! Enjoy the sleep!!