2 month shots


Dream Stealer
I have to take monster today and I am :cds:

how many is it usually? I asked the receptionist and she told me it was two usually (two needles, but multiple shots, obv)..but I thought it was more than that?

did anyone space them out? (I might if it is more than two) skip any? (I dont plan on skipping any, im just wondering)

How did baby react after? anything help? tylenol? ice?

She already has had her hep b at birth and the booster a few weeks ago, and she did fine with those..but I just feel leary of them giving my little monster like 10 diseases at once :cds::cds::cds:


Well-Known Member
If I recall correctly it was 4 shots 2 in each leg. Be sure to give her ibuprofen before she goes to get them that should help w/ pain.

I cried each time mine got them so I feel for ya momma :huggy:


no longer CalvertNewbie
I believe it's only 2 needles, an extra one only if they're getting the flu shot. I've always had them done at once, never spread them out. Our doctor gives a little tylenol before giving the shots to ease the pain. My little man always cries but the second the shots are done I immediately pick him up to comfort him and he stops crying very quickly. He's absolutely fine by the time I get him dressed, like nothing ever happened. He's never had any bad reactions to shots and he's had a lot because he's 2yrs old.

Btw, YOU may cry and that's normal. :killingme


Active Member
Our ped gave us a tube of a topical anesthetic just for shot time.


I've done the 2 and 4 month shots. I can't remember how many they did at 2 months, but at 4 it was two shots and an oral vaccine. No adverse reactions either time. Sprout was a bit fussy after the 4 month shots, but no fevers, tantrums, etc. He didn't get at all upset over the 2 month shots, but he screamed and cried for a few minutes after he got the second shot at his 4 month appointment. He also seemed to think the rotavirus (oral vaccine) was quite delicious.


Dream Stealer
So. It was not near as terrible as I imagined. :lmao:

I stood behind her so she couldn't see me, though..then swooped her up as soon as they were done..they let me use the room to nurse her (which was so nice, so many docs try to rush you out) and by the time we left she was asleep. She was a little warm after and clingy as all get out all weekend, but that was really it.

now they can give her shots and I wont be so darn worried over it.:starcat: