I hate "mommies"


Dream Stealer

UI shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have and now I am paying the price. "circleofmoms" posts good articles sometimes so i "liked" them on facebook. BIG, HUGE mistake. Mistake of epic proportions.

These hysterical harpys are driving me nuts.

They post an article about a family of 5 living in a car. The police happen upon them and find a child with 2nd degree burns on her back, a filthy car strewn with chicken bones and rancid milk, illegally obtaines pills, and a bottle of tequila. SO, the police take the three kids away and lock the parents up for neglect. In general, these hysterical mommies think you should be locked up for farting in the general direction of their sweet little innocent spawn, but for some reason, in this case, they think this is totally acceptable. The drugs and alchol were ok because and this is a quote "if I had to live in a car I would need something to help me sleep." UFB. It's ok to live in filth and trash and be locked in a car with alcohol and drugs because you are sad? And God forbid I say that they are disgusting, because then I am "JUDGING" so what. Oh and also I am "high and mighty" if high and mighty means I wouldn't subject my child to filth and drugs then I am soooooooo high and mighty. I am the highest and mighty-ist.


Florida Family of Five Found Living in 'Filthy' Car Outside Walmart - ABC News


Active Member
Can't decide whether to shake my head or gouge my eyes out. Thought about trying to do both at once but I'm not sure I'm coordinated enough.


I bowl overhand

UI shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have and now I am paying the price. "circleofmoms" posts good articles sometimes so i "liked" them on facebook. BIG, HUGE mistake. Mistake of epic proportions.

These hysterical harpys are driving me nuts.

They post an article about a family of 5 living in a car. The police happen upon them and find a child with 2nd degree burns on her back, a filthy car strewn with chicken bones and rancid milk, illegally obtaines pills, and a bottle of tequila. SO, the police take the three kids away and lock the parents up for neglect. In general, these hysterical mommies think you should be locked up for farting in the general direction of their sweet little innocent spawn, but for some reason, in this case, they think this is totally acceptable. The drugs and alchol were ok because and this is a quote "if I had to live in a car I would need something to help me sleep." UFB. It's ok to live in filth and trash and be locked in a car with alcohol and drugs because you are sad? And God forbid I say that they are disgusting, because then I am "JUDGING" so what. Oh and also I am "high and mighty" if high and mighty means I wouldn't subject my child to filth and drugs then I am soooooooo high and mighty. I am the highest and mighty-ist.


Florida Family of Five Found Living in 'Filthy' Car Outside Walmart - ABC News

Try the weight loss/fatty forums, and ask about having to buy two seats on a plane..

OR try the Nursing Mothers forum and tell them you are going to bottle feed.


I bowl overhand
I know. I cannot believe I even did it. I deserve what I am getting. :smack:

I'd purposely post two or three times a day things you know will send them over the edge.

Like state sponsored birth control for anyone that can't spell..

Spanking kids is not just a right, butt a sport...

Babies shold NOT be breast fed...

Sooner or later they'll kick you out so you won't have to figure out a way to get out of it on your phone.


Dream Stealer
I'd purposely post two or three times a day things you know will send them over the edge.

Like state sponsored birth control for anyone that can't spell..

Spanking kids is not just a right, butt a sport...

Babies shold NOT be breast fed...

Sooner or later they'll kick you out so you won't have to figure out a way to get out of it on your phone.

I've got an ace up my sleeve. all I need to do is let them know that even though I am nursing..I go out and drink alcohol occasionally. :cds: Cuz it is def ok to do drugs and alcohol while locked in a small, filthy vehicle with your kids..but not to go out with a few friends after babykins is in bed. :killingme