Trick or Treat Night?


New Member
Can anyone please tell me when is "beggars night" here when the kids go trick or treating? I'm just wondering what evening it is, or is it on actual Halloween in St. Mary's county?
TIA for any help ! :buddies:


Dream Stealer
You're upset because she obviously didn't hear aren't you??

Its a shame. No trick or treating this year; at all. beggars for candy will be ticketed.

Yep. Had to bring it up. The first year I have a little one, too. :bawl:

Stupid lexington park beautification project.


New Member
Halloween is Oct. 31st this year

Same as every other year

No duh, really? In some parts of the country, the kids go trick or treating on another evening other than actual Halloween. So that was my question. But judging from your post, I take it that kids here in the S.MD area go trick or treating ON ACTUAL Halloween. Thank you for clearing that up.

John Z

if you will
No duh, really? In some parts of the country, the kids go trick or treating on another evening other than actual Halloween. So that was my question. But judging from your post, I take it that kids here in the S.MD area go trick or treating ON ACTUAL Halloween. Thank you for clearing that up.

This is a true favorite subject on these forums. Comes up every year, and is to some a well-worn comical subject. Just like the topics of the Tiki bar closing/opening, whether the Solomons bridge is closed, and .... I'm sure I'm forgetting the other subjects that result in the regulars pouncing the on the unsuspecting "noobs" that wander in.

Just don't let it bother you too much.


New Member
Then it's not trick or treating, it's begging for candy.

Whatever. You probably (I hope) know what I am talking about.

Kids dressed in costumes go around the neigbhorhood, they ring the doorbells or they knock on the doors. When the homeowner answers the door, the kids (usually) say, "Trick or Treat" but I imagine they could say "We're begging for candy! What-have-ya-got?"


New Member
This is a true favorite subject on these forums. Comes up every year, and is to some a well-worn comical subject. Just like the topics of the Tiki bar closing/opening, whether the Solomons bridge is closed, and .... I'm sure I'm forgetting the other subjects that result in the regulars pouncing the on the unsuspecting "noobs" that wander in.

Just don't let it bother you too much.

No worries at all. I did a "search" here before I posted the question and I could easily see the same response was recycled (again) this year about Halloween being the same date as it was last year. Looks like the standard response from year after year. I guess after a bit, it gets a bit old.

I only asked the question because my kid has a babysitting job around that weekend and I simply wanted to know if she was going to have to pass out candy at the house where she's babysitting...Just looking for some info and thought I could get a quick answer here.


New Member
No worries at all. I did a "search" here before I posted the question and I could easily see the same response was recycled (again) this year about Halloween being the same date as it was last year. Looks like the standard response from year after year. I guess after a bit, it gets a bit old.

I only asked the question because my kid has a babysitting job around that weekend and I simply wanted to know if she was going to have to pass out candy at the house where she's babysitting...Just looking for some info and thought I could get a quick answer here.

Evidently you didn't search very much OR you would have noticed that this year the answer was brand new. BUT your response gives us a big clue that you should be out begging for a sense of humor! :whistle:


New Member
Evidently you didn't search very much OR you would have noticed that this year the answer was brand new. BUT your response gives us a big clue that you should be out begging for a sense of humor! :whistle:

Oh my gorsh are you saying I need to lighten up? :cds::cds::cds:


New Member
Do "other parts of the country" really have the kids trick or treating on a night other than halloween or is that just a myth?

Year after year, there is always someone at work (and ALWAYS this one guy) who says that they heard that trick or treating will be on Saturday or Sunday (if halloween is on a weeknight) and that the hours have changed. Saying they must be done by 7pm or whatever. This drives me freaking crazy and I always refer them to one of the many infamous threads on this site.

Look, trick or treating is on halloween. Period. The kids will show up when they show up. Sometimes as early as 5pm. They will stop showing up around 9pm. Maybe one or two stragglers afterwards. There will be a good solid hour in there somewhere when you may as well not even close the door because they will be standing in line for that long. I know this varies from one neighborhood to another. And if you don't want trick or treaters, don't have your entire yard lit up like some people I know and then not have any candy. Turn off the front porch light or put a sign up or something. This is for your own convenience. The kids will just move on or egg and t.p. your house. And they'll enjoy it.


New Member
Do "other parts of the country" really have the kids trick or treating on a night other than halloween or is that just a myth?

Year after year, there is always someone at work (and ALWAYS this one guy) who says that they heard that trick or treating will be on Saturday or Sunday (if halloween is on a weeknight) and that the hours have changed. Saying they must be done by 7pm or whatever. This drives me freaking crazy and I always refer them to one of the many infamous threads on this site.

Look, trick or treating is on halloween. Period. The kids will show up when they show up. Sometimes as early as 5pm. They will stop showing up around 9pm. Maybe one or two stragglers afterwards. There will be a good solid hour in there somewhere when you may as well not even close the door because they will be standing in line for that long. I know this varies from one neighborhood to another. And if you don't want trick or treaters, don't have your entire yard lit up like some people I know and then not have any candy. Turn off the front porch light or put a sign up or something. This is for your own convenience. The kids will just move on or egg and t.p. your house. And they'll enjoy it.
A military career has had our family living in various locations around the U.S.A. and I can say YES that in other places, the trick/or/treating or beggar's night/ or the night when kids ring the doorbells and ask for candy /whatever you want to call it --- YES it is sometimes NOT on actual Halloween Oct. 31st depending on the location/city/place in the country. Note that I am saying this VARIES according to the city. Not all cities do this. I'm sure some ALWAYS since the beginning of time, have it on actual Oct. 31st Halloween. Yes, I am saying it does vary in SOME (not all) some locations. See, last year it was the night BEFORE Halloween in this location: Beggars’ Night set for Oct. 30
And in Yellow Spring, OH the night for trick/treating/begging for candy is actually 10/29/11.
That is basically it in a nutshell. It varies. Sorry to break it to you. Just wanted to know when it was here. I get that it is Oct. 31 on ACTUAL Halloween and that this does NOT vary.
So, trick or treating is NOT always on Halloween -- it does vary depending on where a person lives. Google it if you're a doubter. That is it. Period. G'night.


New Member
Myth confirmed. Now why would they have it on any night other than halloween? I'm sure that answer is somewhere on the web. I'm just not into googling tonight.

And I don't get the whole "beggars" thing. No kid has ever had to beg me for candy on the rare ocassion I'm home on halloween and neither I nor my kids have ever had to beg for candy on halloween. Most people are prepared for this night and seem more than willing to give away candy. Ok well this one time when I was a kid I went to the house of an owner of a well known electronics store in the county (and a relative even) whose entire yard was lit up like Christmas at The White House and when we got to the door, the guy opened it and said he didn't have any candy. We thought he was kidding. He even invited us in. We were like, so what now? There was an awkward moment of silence and as we looked at each other and made our way towards the door, my older sister told him he could have at least given us some batteries or something.
I guess I could google- but its not that important. I do wonder if this trick-or-treating on a night other than Halloween is newer, or its always been this way. The one thing I still dont believe is that Halloween has "hours". Growing up where I did- you got home from school, thru on your costume and hit it- until you were tired. No hours. If it was on Saturday or Sunday, it was any time after "decent people are awake" (thats how my parents put it) Ive been told Halloween doesnt start until 5pm in a few places I lived. Last year we were ready, bored, and set out- at 445- and got 2 responses, that made me feel like we were intruding before we decided to wait til a lil after 5, figuring the "you're rather early, arent you" would stop once it got a lil later.

The night used to be more fun- no matter what night it fell on. Maybe its just more fun in some towns than others. Probably my favorite rumor Ive heard around here about Halloween is, if its on Sunday - then its moved because Sunday is never a day to "celebrate" Halloween. LAME if it was even considered. LAMER if it ever came to pass.


New Member
now that is just about the stupidest thing i have ever heard, calling Halloween beggars night! wonder who thought that up, some jerk that doesn't have kids or like kids coming to the door.