Insulation and Energy Efficiency


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We are students from Leonardtown High School, who have taken part in an Advanced Placement Environmental Science class at our school. As a conclusion to our course we have undertaken a final project. This project challenges us to evaluate environmental issues we have learned about in the course, investigate the problem, and provide solutions or alternatives to resolve the issue.

One of the greatest environmental problems we face as a nation it our reliance on depreciating sources of nonrenewable energy. While the most effective long-term solution to this problem is to transition to renewable energy sources, this transition could take decades. Another method to reduce reliance on nonrenewable resources and to ease the transition to sustainable energy is to improving the manners in which we use energy. By using energy more efficiently we can prolong our reserves of fossil fuels and lower the total energy demand of the nation.

In our research we found that a startling amount of energy lost in the heating and cooling of residential and commercial buildings due to poor insulation. The average house uses 38 percent of its total annual energy on heating ( Energy conservation in the home). According to some statistics up to 60 percent of energy used to heat homes can be lost due to poor insulation practices and leaks ( Duct sealing and energy efficiency home perfomance evaluations in Eugene, Oregon). The loss of thermal energy can be reduced by many simple and cost effective practices. Practices such as monitoring insulation levels, insulating doorways, and fixing leaking ducts can have a great impact. The loss of thermal energy in homes and businesses leads to an increase in energy consumption for heating and cooling.

Through the conservation of thermal energy, we can reduce our consumption of energy and conserve our diminishing nonrenewable resources. As we reduce consumption of energy, we reduce the mining and burning practices, used to supply the energy from most nonrenewable sources. These practices often degrade environmental quality. By reducing these practices, we improve both air and water quality providing further benefit to ourselves.
The loss of thermal energy in homes and businesses is of great concern not only as an environmental issues but also and economic issue. Thermal energy lost due to poorly insulated windows alone account for 10-25% of winter heating bills (Replacement Windows Detroit | Wallside Windows...). Adopting practices such as sealing cracks and edges around windows, as well as using insulating glass whenever possible can significantly reduce energy use and costs. By reducing the amount of energy demanded by consumers for temperature control, energy supplies increases, ultimately sustaining or even reducing energy prices.

For our project we are attempting to increase public awareness of thermal energy losses and inspire the implementation of energy efficient insulation practices. We encourage the public to become educated on the numerous small practices that can have a larger impact on the environment and save them money.

We would like to ask the support of the public in our mission. We believe that the need to reduce energy waste is a national problem that individuals can greatly contribute to resolving. We encourage the evaluation and improvement of insulation in homes, businesses, and government buildings though cost-effective manners. We believe that through these means we can significantly reduce energy expenditures and improve energy efficiency, while helping to resolve an emerging national issue. Above all, we urge the public to become educated themselves on energy-saving practices, such as improving insulation, and to educate others on these issues. We greatly appreciate your time and support.
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