Flea and Tick yard applications


Go Braves!
Has anyone used this before? And did it work?

We have ticks something terrible this year:mad:
I use the Cutter brand yard spray that you hook up to your garden hose. It works GREAT! I usually spray the yard the day before a party, and then again about 5 hours before the party, just to get rid of any stragglers. It is safe around pets and food.


New Member
Originally posted by huntr1
I use the Cutter brand yard spray that you hook up to your garden hose. It works GREAT! I usually spray the yard the day before a party, and then again about 5 hours before the party, just to get rid of any stragglers. It is safe around pets and food.

Where do you get it and how many bottles of it do you recommend to get ?
You can get it at most stores (Lowes, Target, etc.) I couldn't find it 2 months ago at WalMart, but found it at Target. That doesn't mean they don't have it at WalMart, I just didn't see it. I have 3/4 acre, and 1 bottle is enough for atleast 1 application. I bought 2 just in case. Haven't sprayed it yet, at this point I am waiting for the rain to stop.