Misogynist Gay-Bater Visits Biden


PREMO Member
Nasty South Carolinian bigot Dick Harpootlian visited White House.

[Dick] Harpootlian said he visited Joe Biden, the other most prominent potential 2016 contestant, in the White House about a month ago and told the vice president he would support him if he decides to run.

For those who do not remember, Dick Harpootlian is (as the WSJ noted) the former Democratic chair for South Carolina. What the WSJ did not mention is that Harpootlian has a long, long, long history of saying some very nasty things about Republicans in general and the current governor (who happens to be a female minority*) in particular – not to mention the odd bit of gay-baiting. Now, I know that this is more or less par for the course in South Carolina – that state does its political dueling with with live steel down there… but the White House is not in South Carolina. It’s in DC, and the rules are different here.


Elizabeth Colbert Busch must explicitly repudiate Dick Harpootlian’s bigotry.

Background: “South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian, a trial lawyer, longtime Democratic leader, and legendary figure in local politics, reportedly told a South Carolina Democratic Party dinner [Friday night*] that the Democratic challenger would send “Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from.”" Harpootlian, of course, has a history of these kinds of remarks:

2012: “The Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party is refusing to apologize after he compared his state’s Republican Gov. Nikki Haley to Adolf Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun.”
2011: “The South Carolina Democratic Party tried Thursday to make Haley out as a liar for checking “white” as her race on her 2001 Lexington County voter registration application.” (Added to highlight the absurdity of Harpootlian pretending not to know where the Governor is from.)
2011: “Before the hopefuls arrived Wednesday in North Charleston to meet with local Democrats, the race took a twist after Harpootlian earlier apologized for using the word “retard” on a recent webcast… Harpootlian said Wednesday he’s misused the word “retard” before, specifically when he referred to Republican Gov. David Beasley and former Rep. Bob Inglis as “tard and retard.”"
2002: (From Harpootlian’s previous tenure as SC chair): “[Lindsey] Graham became the senior senator from his state — but not without controversy. The 50-something confirmed bachelor was finally forced to face down long-standing suspicions about his sexual orientation in 2002, when South Carolina Democratic party leader Dick Harpootlian referred to Graham as being too “light in the loafers” to fill Thurmond’s shoes.”