Thousands take to their iPhones to join #ResistCapitalism


PREMO Member
Thousands take to their iPhones to join #ResistCapitalism movement

#ResistCapitalism is the new home for the criminally deranged on Twitter.
— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) January 9, 2016

With the holidays over, many folks around the world who still work for a living are back at it, which some have said results in one of the most depressing times of the year. Kudos, then, to TayGo, who thought to declare January 9 #ResistCapitalism day, which people around the world celebrate by adding the hashtag to their tweets to create a global twitterstorm.

It's going down. Spread the word. Fill your drafts with tweets. #ResistCapitalism. Saturday, January 9th.
— TayGo (@taygogo) December 31, 2015


PREMO Member
Well, your signature line pretty much captures this one! :buddies:

indeed, I think that was the point of the twitchy article ...
.... the picture on Fackbook showed a Che G tee shirt selling for $ 28 bucks - hipsters snap them up because they look edgy and cool

no knowing the history of the man behind the face

... I'd like to see Pol Pot, Ida Amin, Khmer Rouge Logos, Gaddafi ... etc :whistle: