I've hit a new all time low!



Get This! I drive all the way to the High School to pick up my daughter - Get there - Sit for a minute - Turn around and leave - *without my baby*

Wait ...It gets worse, I think to myself I must be loosing it - I meant to go to the grocery store??

So I go shopping!

Suddenly on the way home It Hits Me! I forgot Princess!!!

You should have seen her pitiful little face when I pulled up.... Her question, Mom are you lost??

This is an all time new low for me!! I guess it's time get my head examined again!:frown:


Football season!
My wife claims this happens to her on occasion. Oddly enough, when it does happen, she always end up somewhere to shop :rolleyes:


One time my mother went to the grocery store- went shopping - pulled the cart to the sidewalk- walked to her car and drove home. She got home- I walked outside - looked in the car and there were no groceries. Then another time she brought home the wrong groceries. She would forget to pick me up at places and I would stand and stand until I called her to pick me up. I said I would never do this to my children, but the other day, my son gets off the bus with a huge box of stuff he sold to people for school. I was supposed to pick that box up from the school on Monday.

It is called CRS (Can’t Remember $h*t). Equal rights are making us more like men everyday! Now, I know why it happens, because we have KIDS. I just wish I’d forget to do the laundry and dishes for a few days!:rolleyes:
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You're all F'in Mad...
At least you had your pants on. Imagine all of that forgetting, and shopping, and picking up your daughter, only to have her question you with "Mom, where are your pants?" See - there's always a bright side! :cool:


New Member
Originally posted by Nodnarb
At least you had your pants on. Imagine all of that forgetting, and shopping, and picking up your daughter, only to have her question you with "Mom, where are your pants?" See - there's always a bright side! :cool:

Okay Nodnarb.....Is this called finding the "silver lining in every dark cloud"?? :crazy: :crazy:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Delilah903
Okay Nodnarb.....Is this called finding the "silver lining in every dark cloud"?? :crazy: :crazy:

I have always said, you're not really crazy until you go somewhere without your pants.

The funny thing is that the next time a person from this board does something stupid, they're going to look down and go "Well, that was stupid, but at least I have my pants on!" Just like me!