Life is a Choice


New Member
Recovery cannot happen until a person is willing to look at themselves in the mirror and say, "I messed up." People who blame other people never recover because they live in a state of denial.  Any time you blame another person for your problem, you give that person control of your life.  With your blame, you are saying, "I can't get out until you let me out.  I can't succeed until you allow me to succeed.  I can't move forward in my life until you give me the green light."  That's a lie of the devil!  According to Deuteronomy 30:15-19, you make the choice.  You must accept responsibility for your own actions.  It may not have been all your fault, but you need to accept responsibility for the part that was.  You must be able to say to yourself, "I wasn't without fault.  I was a contributing factor."
Unless you are able to accept responsibility for your actions, you will be eaten up with unresolved guilt.  It will rot inside you and erupt in your life in the form of jealousy and anger and hatred and bitterness.  Identify the people you are blaming and deal with them.. Confront the issues.  Challenge the lies the devil will try to speak in your mind when he tells you, "It's not your fault.  It's all his fault. You were right, he was wrong.  Things were just out of control.  You didn't do anything bad.  Somebody else is to blame for all this." NO!  Accept your share of the responsibility for what has gone wrong and ask God to forgive you.
God is too wise and too loving to put your destiny into the hands of another person.  He doesn't want another person's actions to control your future.  What you do from this point on is up to you.  How you feel how you react and what you do and what you say and what you choose and how you deal with the past is solely your responsibility.  It's your decision.   If you will face up to your own sin and take hold of the hand of our forgiving God, you can overcome anything.  You can overcome the past influence of any person, the evil of any circumstance.  You can live and not die!  You don't need to live with depression, oppression, or suppression.  God wants you to come out of your feelings of failure and rejection and regret.  It's time - choose life.


New Member
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6

A growing interest in the supernatural in these last days makes it more important than ever that we become knowledgeable about key truths in order to avoid the pitfalls of deception.  Everything that looks good isn't God; everything that is supernatural isn't spiritual.
This is no time for us believers to have our heads stuck in the sand.

First, we must realize that the devil, demons, and evil spirits are real 1 peter 5:8
Second, we must recognize satan's tactics and know his vulnerable points as well as he knows ours, so we can conunterattack him 2 Corinthians 2:11.
Third, we need to have knowledge of the exercise our God-given authority.  Luke 10:19, We have authority and power to walk all over the devil! Satan has no right to do anything to us unjustly. We can protect ourselves with knowledge of God's Word.

This is a very important day and hour in which we are living. Only when we determine to seek the truth from God's Word, through anointed teachers and preachers, and in our own personal study and prayer time will we know how to successfully overcome the deception of the enemy and help others do the same.  Know your enemy! Enforce his defeat! You can fight the devil and win!