Word of the Day

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
This is a REAL word and I thought it was hilarious, especially for some folks around these parts :wink: :

crapulous | KRAP-yuh-luss | adjective
1 : marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking
2 : sick from excessive indulgence in liquor

Example sentence: If you're feeling crapulous the morning after the big celebration, drinking lots of water and taking some aspirin will help.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I think they're trying to reform people. Today's word is:

tub-thumper | TUB-thum-per | noun
: a vociferous supporter (as of a cause)

Example sentence: Aunt Lucille was a tub-thumper for temperance who never passed up an opportunity to sermonize fervently on the evils of "demon drink" and the virtues of abstinence.



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Staff member
PREMO Member
Aunt Lucille was a tub thumper for always harping on crapulous people's hangover symptoms.