“Inflammatory Breast Cancer” (IBC)


NOT Politically Correct!!
Just sharing important facts and information about “Inflammatory Breast Cancer” (IBC). IBC is more prevalent than you might imagine; however, some cancer information centers were recently found to know very little—if anything—about IBC. Please realize that if cancer information centers specializing in the various forms of cancer were recently unaware of this aggressive form of the disease, then many of our trusty doctors and practitioners may still be ignorant of the characteristics and early warning signs. Yearly mammograms and faithfully checking for lumps does not ensure early detection: this form is not detectable using typical methods and safeguards.

It is imperative that woman and teens learn about IBC so they can recognize the symptoms while treatment may still be an option. Women of all ages have died from this disease because it was not identified as cancer until it was too late. Of the cases, some women were originally misdiagnosed as having “bug bites,” some didn't realize they should seek a second opinion, some were young teens too embarrassed to discuss changes in their breasts until the cancer was in its final stage, and the list goes on.

This video is only about 6 minutes long, so please take the time to view it. If you receive this at work but cannot view it during work hours, I urge you to stay 6 minutes late or view it from home later TONIGHT. Please educate yourself on IBC, and then pass this along to your wife, sisters, and other family members and friends!

Visit Snopes.com for additional information and news clips about IBC. Click the link: http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/ibc.asp