Who went to the Tiki Bar opening?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
The annual "How was it & how's the hangover going? :lol:   Did you have a good time?  Twenty years in SoMD and I've never gone to it, what did I miss?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I was there and am not hung over in the least!  :clap:

Got a little wet during a passing rain storm but then it cleared up and the evening turned out very nice.  I didn't see anything bad happen, just a couple of people :barf:

But then again, I get there about 3:30 and left by 8pm.

Anyone else have any stories???
Yes I went the the opening and let me tell you I was shocked that is cost $15 cover charge to get into Catamarans that was over crowed,  over priced and unsafe!!!!!  Really made it bad was they didn't even throw in a free drink or something with that high cover price!!! When you were in the dance area the floor moved and you didn't have to.  
Did like the bands downstairs!!!!
But.... If you went to drink, spend lots of $$$$$ and meet lots of men/women of your choice - You went to the right place.


My Sweetest Boy
I was there and had a great time.  After the initial rain showers, it was a beautiful evening.  No hangover!!!


Vermicious Knid
I think I was at Tiki Bar. I remember being in a large crowd, with a blue drink in one hand and a red drink in another. I got a headache on the way home, and it didn't go away until Sunday.


I was there from Thursday night until Sun Morning. I stayed on the boat accross from the tiki. HAD A BLAST. Stayed drunk most of the weekend thought and felt it Sunday morning..