Teen sex parties... WTH???


I bowl overhand
Right now, the school board has mandated that the curriculum only include abstinence.

YEAH, that's working out just great...

WOW, bunch of friggin brain surgeons up there.. you think they might admit to making a mistake and allow the kids to be educated? Or is that against their religious beliefs, while lil Suzie is getting treated for Chlamydia?

No mentioning of STD's allowed (or how to prevent them).. can't talk about Birth Control.. or where babies come from.. just DON'T DO IT, BECAUSE WE SAY SO!!

Who's 50's logic is that??
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I bowl overhand
sunflower said:
Sad Sad Sad.. Where are the parents?
They are on the school board telling the faculty not to teach their kids anything of value that might protect them..


New Member
She said some of the girls have reported having 30-40 sex partners and that a large number of cases are from northern Carroll County.
Gross, I haven't even had that many in 10 years, why would anyone want to :barf:


New Member
itsbob said:
Right now, the school board has mandated that the curriculum only include abstinence.

WOW, bunch of friggin brain surgeons up there.. you think they might admit to making a mistake and allow the kids to be educated? Or is that against their religious beliefs, while lil Suzie is getting treated for Chlamydia?

No mentioning of STD's allowed (or how to prevent them).. can't talk about Birth Control.. or where babies come from.. just DON'T DO IT, BECAUSE WE SAY SO!!

Who's 50's logic is that??

What gets me is that it's middle school kids included...that's 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Who lets their kids out at that age, and NOT know what the hell they are doing? What parent of a middle schooler takes their kid to be treated for Chlamydia and doesn't raise holy hell in finding out where they got it? Or is the embarrassment too great to deal with that it CAN happen to their kid?

I couldn't imagine how long it would have taken me to heal from the whoopin that my mom would have put on me if I had to get treated for something like that in middle school, not to mention the rampage that she would have been on to find out who's house, who's other kids...

Just a sad, sad state that these parents are letting these kids grow up in. Middle school kids with 30-40 sex partners??? Are you friggin kidding me?


itsbob said:
They are on the school board telling the faculty not to teach their kids anything of value that might protect them..
You mean like how to go to the health department when it feels like they are pizzing razor blades or when their underwear is glued to their crotch in the morning? Or where to go to to get the morning after pill? I am thinking they have that part down. It is not a medical or biological education they are lacking, it is a moral one. How do you suppose a lesson in health ed about not being a filthy whores (male and female) would be received?
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New Member
itsbob said:
Wonder if the school is allowed to teach evolution...

jes wonderin..

You can't place the blame on the schools though. if the parents want their kids to know, they'd teach them. the ol' birds and the bees talk...some time before the kids walk out the door without the parents knowing where they are going, who they are going to be with, who's parents are going to be there, AND what they are going to be doing. Parents shove WAY too much responsibility on to the schools. Where is self worth taught? Where is respectable behavior taught?

High school kids, I can understand. they don't listen and will do what they want, lie cheat and steal to do it. It's normal. Every parent knows that. But I can not understand the involvement of middle school kids.


b*tch rocket
itsbob said:
Right now, the school board has mandated that the curriculum only include abstinence.

YEAH, that's working out just great...

WOW, bunch of friggin brain surgeons up there.. you think they might admit to making a mistake and allow the kids to be educated? Or is that against their religious beliefs, while lil Suzie is getting treated for Chlamydia?

No mentioning of STD's allowed (or how to prevent them).. can't talk about Birth Control.. or where babies come from.. just DON'T DO IT, BECAUSE WE SAY SO!!

Who's 50's logic is that??

We learned sex ed (birth control, diseases, yada yada) in school and it really had no impact one way or the other. Kids feel they are invulnerable, it's just their mindset. "Education" doesn't really mean squat at that age.

So in this case, I would not blame it on the religious folks. :shrug:


b*tch rocket
Ponytail said:
What gets me is that it's middle school kids included...that's 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Who lets their kids out at that age, and NOT know what the hell they are doing?

Just a sad, sad state that these parents are letting these kids grow up in. Middle school kids with 30-40 sex partners??? Are you friggin kidding me?

Agreed. :yay:

You cannot let your kids hang out there on their own. I'm sorry, I don't buy in to "I've taught them well, they're old enough to do what is right." (which is what I hear frequently these days.) Peer pressure is HUGE for adolescents. You cannot give a teen child the freedom of constant non-supervision. They are incapable of handling it, no matter how good of a parent you think you are. :banghead:

The whole story is just sad.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Kids are alot further educated these days than back in the day. I am 39 and had my first at 14 and never stopped after that. (so set myself up with that last sentence) Anyway, a ten year old today and a ten year old ten years ago are totally different. With all the sex on TV you don't think they would get curious? We as parents can only do but so much to protect them. Peer pressure in school always has been and always will be incredible. Who wants to be the 12 year old boy that didn't get laid? Gross as that sounds.