Recent content by puddin

  1. P

    Banning Smoking????

    Sorry about that. I didn't have any of the problems you mentioned.
  2. P

    Banning Smoking????

  3. P

    Teenage Protesters

    Protesters Throw Stones at National Guardsman Thursday, March 27, 2003 MONTPELIER, Vt. — A group of Vermont teen-agers threw rocks at a uniformed female Vermont National Guard sergeant last week, in the latest example of a service member facing hostility in the United States...
  4. P

    Schwans Food Delivery

    Thanks for the input! Vrai- really nice of them to load your fridge for you! It would be nice if they prepared the meals too! I have perused their website already. It looks like they have a wide variety of products to choose from. Home delivery kind of reminds me of when I was a kid...
  5. P

    Schwans Food Delivery

    Hello- Has anyone ever dealt with Schwans Home Delivery? If so, were you pleased? I received a brochure the other day and the food looks good, but I'd like to find out if others have had any dealings with them. Thanks!