Recent content by pvc1552

  1. P

    SOMD Soldier in Iraq

    Hi to you so far from home. I'm a proud Army mom but I'm fortunate in that my son is serving stateside after doing two tours in South Korea...He's career Army...Thank you for all you and your buddies do for those of us back home. Stay in touch and if you need any moral support from a "mom" just...
  2. P

    'nother newbie

    now just what would you consider being an old fart?? age range???
  3. P

    Another Newbie

    Response to messages! No, I'm not a desperate housewife...I'm DWF, and yes, I have lost a lot of my old friends so am in search of new ones! Can always use more. Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful spring (finally) weather. See ya....
  4. P

    Another Newbie

    nope, pvc as in my name thanks to an ex-husbands last name!! that's an old joke I've heard many times. thanks for the chuckle
  5. P

    Another Newbie

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm new here, just discovered this website, thought I might make some new friends!