Recent content by rubberbandheart

  1. R

    Is it possible for gays to go to heaven?

    Surely the Bible says something about sitting around, striking up conversation about who we think is going to heaven... Regardless... clumping people is ridiculous. Asking "Can gays get into heaven" is no different than asking "Is my neighbor going to heaven? Is my brother going to heaven?"...
  2. R

    Is it possible for gays to go to heaven?

    Seems to me you started this thread to stir the pot. Or else you'd have asked "If someone claims to be saved, though they still screw up, can they still get into heaven?"
  3. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    I agree with you on this. When I'm famous, I'll use my powers for good. Right now I'm just someone who reads weird things in the news.
  4. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    Pretty sure it represents either.. though I do see it used as "queer" more often in a search on lgbtq.
  5. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    Did approaching the feminists really do anything?? I get where you're coming from but I still feel no burden to police "my own." I will police my family as needed. That's it. People are crazy, perverted, stupid, inconsiderate, etc. If that man is crazy enough to go hang out in a women's...
  6. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    It's a bit of a catch-all. People use "queer" in a derogatory manner all the time but it really just means "odd" when compared to "normal".
  7. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    It's a college locker room... not a restaurant diner or a mall (which probably does not contain a locker room unless a gym is attached to it...) Doesn't seem like it'd be that big of a deal to designate areas in a locker room as family friendly. It'd also probably help if they put up more areas...
  8. R

    Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

    Just because LGBT is lumped into one little group doesn't mean we should be responsible for "policing our own". While they are LOOSELY related, being gay is not the same as being transgendered. As a lesbian, I feel no need to police anyone... including transvestites or other lesbians. If the...
  9. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    What in the world are you talking about?
  10. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    Wow, why do you know so many AIDS infested child molesters? I mean, I know why I know a lot of 2-faced Christians. That's pretty much my entire family. You don't really know anything about me other than the fact that I'm gay. And I guess for many, that's all they need to know to judge...
  11. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    I was pointing out your own name-calling. I'm sorry that irony is lost on you. You bash my posts all the time in your condescending, nonsensical ways. I'm seriously curious as to how you identify. I find it truly hard to believe that you're a Christian. You're one of the meanest people I've...
  12. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    Is homosexuality in one of the 10 commandments now?
  13. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    Yeah, I misspoke. That should have said married couples. And I didn't say thousandS, I said over a thousand. "There are over one thousand federal laws in which marriage status is a factor. These laws confer rights, protections, and benefits to married couples. Partners in same-sex couples...
  14. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    I'm pretty sure you'll answer your first question in November when you will be given the opportunity to vote for or against gay marriage. What I mean, is that basing morality solely on religion is fruity, just as basing government on religion is. I don't worship the constitution either...
  15. R

    Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'

    I wouldn't ask anyone to abandon their beliefs. Only to stop using them in a way that squashes another person's right to life and happiness, even if it doesn't align with your standards of life and happiness. And for the trolls who read this, No, I don't mean we should get to kill people if...