Sounds of bear attack caught on tape


Dear Bear guy,
While I am sad you got killed, I refuse to feel sorry for you because you put yourself at risk on purpose. Playing around with wild animals was a stupid thing to do.

Your pal,

Roy Horn
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MSNBC ran an interview last night that they did with this clown a while back, and everytime the reporter asked about how dangerous these stunts were the guy was like "bears are misunderstood", "bears are really harmless", and "you just have to know how to deal with them." What I thought was really interesting was the reporter asked him if he were ever attacked should the animal be killed?" and the guy said "no way would I ever want a bear harmed for hurting me. The animal's just doing what it does and I wouldn't want one harmed even if it meant my getting killed."

Sounds like on the tape he's doing everything he can to lay a hurting on that bear.