Ted Kennedy Gets Medal of Freedom


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Ted must be worse off than they let on, since he didn't go accept the award.

Ok, the story says that his daughter accepted the award on his behalf because of his cancer & then the death of Eunice. I'll grant you that it might be a bit tasteless to go and get an award when your sister just died, but, it's not like the funeral is today or anything. And I'm sure Eunice would understand. It's the Medal of Freedom afterall.

I was on my way out to the gym this afternoon, so I didn't stick around to see the ceremony when it was on live.

"There's a story Ted Kennedy sometimes tells. It's about a boy who sees an old man tossing starfish stranded by a receding tide back into the sea. 'There are so many,' asks the boy, 'what difference can your efforts possibly make?' The old man studies the starfish in his hand and tosses it to safety, saying: 'It makes a difference to that one,'" the President told the crowd.

I hope MaryJo's family didn't have to hear this.

Senator Ted Kennedy Receives Presidential Medal Of Freedom In Absentia Wednesday - wbztv.com


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
And oh, yeah - among the other people who received the award - was the "Reverend Joseph Lowery". You may remember him for the benediction he gave at President Obama's inauguration -
Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get [in] back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. Let all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen! Say Amen! And Amen!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Besides the crass "starfish" story of Ted (The Swimmer) Kennedy, there were other gaffes by The Won. I'm surprised the LSM isn't picking up on it. :coffee:

Obama apologized to those are not American at the presentation...
The men and women we honor today have led very different lives and pursued very different careers. They're pioneers in science and medicine. They're gifted artists and indomitable athletes. They have made their mark in the courtroom, in the community, and in Congress. And what unites them is a belief -- that most -- forgive me to those of you who are not Americans -- but what we consider to be that most American of beliefs -- that our lives are what we make of them; that no barriers of race, gender, or physical infirmity can restrain the human spirit; and that the truest test of a person's life is what we do for one another.
The White House - Blog Post - "Thank You to Some of the Finest Citizens"

It's the AMERICAN Medal of Freedom - why should anyone not American be offended for anything if they're in attendance? And why should the POTUS apologize for it in OUR HOUSE?!

...AND then, he got Billie Jean King's tennis stats wrong! :killingme

They didn’t get any of my facts right,” King lightheartedly noted afterward. “Did you see all the – how many titles I won? I was cracking up.”

“Not even in the ballpark,” she continued.

King found it amusing, and said her accomplishments on the court aren’t the most important.

“I thought it was adorable,” she said.

Asked what Obama got wrong, she said, “Well the Grand Slam’s at 39 not at 12.”

“That’s not what’s important,” she explained. So when Obama got it wrong, “I thought even was more cute...I go, ‘Oh that’s really sweet.’ Like, just move on, get off the tennis stuff. Tennis was a platform.”
POLITICO 44 | A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency

Typical for this administration to get it's facts wrong. Seems to be a trend. :killingme


New Member
Another historical moment when a Murderer is given one of America's highest awards.

That award goes to the same level as the Nobel Peace Prize. Just another political medal.