"Progressive" Free Speech


DHS Extremist
You always hear about progressives [donkeycrats] are all about "free speech"... that is of course as long as you "agree" with them. Just imagine if they had all the power and were in charge, it would look ALOT like this.


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Last updated November 7, 2005.

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Democratic Underground - Rules

How embarrassing to have such huge double standards when compared to here. Yet, they clearly want to push their "ideals" on everyone else. Either be supportive, or be banished. No dissent allowed. That perfectly sums up who and what they are. Now imagine the progressives having complete control. If they cant handle dissent on a simple forum, they sure as hell wont tolerate it if they control anything larger. Sure does sound "progressive" to me.

SOMD.com = Free Speech versus DU = Tyrannical control of content


Well-Known Member
I heard the American Nazi Party is suing the Democratic Party for .........

copyright infringement.


New Member
They are all about do as I say and not as I do hypocritical two faced liars who can even lie to them self’s in thinking they are superior. They hold group sessions in self soothing techniques in which to cope with their self induced problems and blog pitty parties. They are “THE” perfect example of they can dish it out but can’t take it. Woe is them!!! Besides anyone who needs such a website to make them self’s feel better with one minded socialist mentality would surely end up in the loony farm if power was lost and couldn’t get their daily fix of it’s all about me and others of your kind telling you what a great job you’re doing. Blind stupid mindless hypocrites. Anyone know where the master circuit breaker is for America??????? :evil:


New Member
They are all about do as I say and not as I do hypocritical two faced liars who can even lie to them self’s in thinking they are superior. They hold group sessions in self soothing techniques in which to cope with their self induced problems and blog pitty parties. They are “THE” perfect example of they can dish it out but can’t take it. Woe is them!!! Besides anyone who needs such a website to make them self’s feel better with one minded socialist mentality would surely end up in the loony farm if power was lost and couldn’t get their daily fix of it’s all about me and others of your kind telling you what a great job you’re doing. Blind stupid mindless hypocrites. Anyone know where the master circuit breaker is for America??????? :evil:

I wager thy kiss is comfortless as frozen water to a starved snake.


New Member
I wager thy kiss is comfortless as frozen water to a starved snake.

Originally Posted by FredFlash
“You should be shipped to GITMO, then your mother should be killed and then you should be tortured with a power drill, until you reveal the location of Bil Laden, or maybe just for the fun of it