Politics as Tribe


New Member
Politics as Tribe

Severely partisan-minded people do not, as a rule, engage in rational policy discussion. Instead, they immediately start calling names in an effort to choke off any discussion before it can really get started. What this shows is politics at its most tribal. It isn't about issues - it's about identity.


This is not new, of course, as politicians have been playing their electoral bases for suckers since at least the Roman Republic. But, despite all that, loyal Democrats are stepping up to defend their guy just as viciously as loyal Republicans went to bat for W. It is almost as if they are unable to recognize that they are backing policies which are exactly opposite of what their guy promised in order to get elected.

What gives with that, anyway? I’ve pondered that question for years, but finally got some inkling of an answer from a study done during the 2004 presidential election cycle. Researchers at Emory University did a study on both Democrats and Republicans to determine how hyper-partisan individuals processed information.

Researchers asked staunch party members from both sides to evaluate information that threatened their preferred candidate prior to the 2004 Presidential election. The subjects’ brains were monitored while they pondered.

What did the researchers find? Essentially, partisan Democrats and Republicans are completely unable to see contradictions on their own side of the fence.

The tests involved pairs of statements by the candidates, President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry, that clearly contradicted each other. The test subjects were asked to consider and rate the discrepancy. Then they were presented with another statement that might explain away the contradiction. The scenario was repeated several times for each candidate.

The brain imaging revealed a consistent pattern. Both Republicans and Democrats consistently denied obvious contradictions for their own candidate but detected contradictions in the opposing candidate.

Overall, here were the results:

* Partisan beliefs are calcified, meaning partisan people can learn very little from new data
* Partisans spin data in their minds until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones. They literally feel a rush from ignoring facts which contradict their desired outcomes.

Partisan politics isn’t about facts or issues or policies. It’s about identity. In other words, it isn’t about what a member of my tribe says or does, what matters is that they are part of my tribe. So if a Democrat sells out totally on issue after issue, the Democrats simply ignore that fact and keep on vilifying the opposition. The Republicans do the same thing. In fact, partisan minds even reinforce this process by giving their owners a rush from ignoring contradictory data.

There is no logic to this. Which is why rational policy debate is out the window. How can you have a rational debate when you are totally blind to the contradictory nature of the policies emanating from your own side, and are incapable of learning from new data? In fact, how can you even begin to argue rationally if you are incapable of evaluating your own side’s ideas?


Politics as Tribe | National Policy Institute


Well-Known Member
The psychological term is called "Cognitive dissonance." Google is your friend.

You're welcome. :eek:)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Politics as Tribe...
...There is no logic to this.

Good post.

Not so. Tribe. Partisan. It's all about loyalty. You protect and defend your own, right or wrong. It's not rational to say you are a conservative yet defend someone like Bush and then vote for McCain but, it is rational to say 'this is my guy and driving over a cliff at 80 mph is still better than going over at 90'. It may not be much better but, it is still better.

In your tribe, you stand to still get fed and protected, to some extent, from the other tribe even if 'your guy' harms you fairly bad. However, the harm he does you is still likely to be less harm and get more good for you than what the other tribe will take from and give you. At least that is your hope, that your loyalty to tribe, no matter how bad the leaders, has got to be better than what those other savages will do to you.

Much friction comes from pointing out how stupid the other tribe is, that they are just blind to the wrong their guy is doing all the while doing the exact same thing; justifying your own guys bad leadership because, well, it CAN'T be worse...because it's MY guy! There'd be less friction if we all stopped pretending we're so smart and everyone else is dumb and just say "Hey, my tribe, right or wrong! Congrats to you and better luck for us next time!" But, of course THEY'LL never agree to that! :lol:

We're supposed to have overcome tribe with our constitution which is supposed to free us from retaliation and retribution from whomever's tribe is in charge. That's why both major tribes are so criminal; they abuse the laws that are supposed to keep us from being tribal and, of course, justify what they did because it's better than what those guys will do!

Obama and Chicago politics, how they do, is pretty strong tribal stuff; serve the tribe or under the bus you go. I'd argue the GOP tribe, as a whole, isn't quite as vicious. Of course I would. :lol:

It's a tough thing to admit you were wrong about your tribe. It's s tough thing to hold your own accountable. Some of us are convinced everyone else is stupid. Some of us quit the tribe. Some of us find one thing our guys did well at and hold on to it like a life preserver, like providing life preservers makes it ok to sink the ship.

And all the while we have this tattered rule book to judge our own by, to help us make the tough judgments about our own, the constitution, yet, it's OK for our guy to violate it. Just not their guy.

If we held one another, our own, accountable by the rule book, we'd all be better off and all the tribes would get alone better.
