Now that's what I call a resignation letter!


Having Fun!
Thanks for sharing this very interesting article from the Washington Post. A friend of mine was in the Army many years ago and spent time in Afghanistan. She often said that it would be a foolish effort (and one that we would never win) to get into a land war in Afghanistan. Reading this article brought her words back to me. This gentleman makes some excellent, well-supported arguments and I applaud his courage in standing by his convictions.

I would have thought, after the Vietnam debacle, that we had learned our lesson about entering fights without being totally committed to victory. We need to decide one way or another exactly what the hell we are doing there and why we are doing it. After that, we either support 100% or we get the hell out. To do otherwise is a senseless waste of the valuable lives of our military personnel and their families and loved ones. They deserve better from us.


A Salute to all on Watch
The Russians couldn't win a war there with over 20 years of fighting the Afghan rebels, we helped train the locals and now they are using our techniques against us and look at us as they did the Russians, time to get out and let the Taliban rule and hope they give concessions on their beliefs and modernize to a point.


professional daydreamer
I'm still waiting to see the resignation letters stating that they're quitting because they can no longer afford to pay taxes, and it's more affordable to live off the government.


The man makes some good points.

I had to look this up:

Main Entry: Sis·y·phe·an
Pronunciation: \ˌsi-sə-ˈfē-ən\
Variant(s): also Si·syph·i·an \si-ˈsi-fē-ən\
Function: adjective
Date: 1635

: of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus <a Sisyphean task>

Main Entry: Sis·y·phus
Pronunciation: \ˈsi-sə-fəs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek Sisyphos
Date: 14th century

: a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeat the cycle of rolling a heavy rock up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again as it nears the top

Pollyanna Misadventure :killingme

Main Entry: Pol·ly·an·na
Pronunciation: \ˌpä-lē-ˈa-nə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Pollyanna, heroine of the novel Pollyanna (1913) by Eleanor Porter †1920 American fiction writer
Date: 1921

: a person characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything

— Pollyanna adjective

— Pol·ly·an·na·ish \-ˈa-nə-ish\ also Pol·ly·an·nish \-ˈa-nish\ adjective
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Thanks for sharing this very interesting article from the Washington Post. A friend of mine was in the Army many years ago and spent time in Afghanistan. She often said that it would be a foolish effort (and one that we would never win) to get into a land war in Afghanistan. Reading this article brought her words back to me. This gentleman makes some excellent, well-supported arguments and I applaud his courage in standing by his convictions.

I would have thought, after the Vietnam debacle, that we had learned our lesson about entering fights without being totally committed to victory. We need to decide one way or another exactly what the hell we are doing there and why we are doing it. After that, we either support 100% or we get the hell out. To do otherwise is a senseless waste of the valuable lives of our military personnel and their families and loved ones. They deserve better from us.

God damn right. :buddies: