21 Day Online Clean Eating and Exercise Accountability Group


New Member
Summer is right around the corner!!!! Did you know it takes 21 days to make or break a habit? Want to lose the extra weight, tone up, or build muscle? My next online health and fitness accountability group is starting in May. Can you commit 21 days, 30 minutes a day to working out? What if I told you that you can eat treats, pizza, and wine?! This program includes 7, 30 minute workout DVDs, portion control containers and eating guide. You also get a complimentary bonus workout disc and my assistance in meal planning!!! I'd LOVE to add your name to the list of people I have already helped GAIN energy and LOSE weight in only 3 WEEKS by improving their diet with 30 minutes of exercise each day. Email me at abby_blanc@yahoo.com for more information! Visit my website: www.beachbodycoach.com/ablanc