America is becoming a plutocracy


Ubi bene ibi patria

"It’s a perfect storm. And I’m not talking about the Democrats. I’m talking about our system of democratic capitalism.

First, income in America is now more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years. Almost a quarter of total income generated in the United States is going to the top 1 percent of Americans.

The top one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans now earn as much as the bottom 120 million of us.

Who are these people? With the exception of a few entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, they’re top executives of big corporations and Wall Street, hedge-fund managers, and private equity managers. They include the Koch brothers, whose wealth increased by billions last year and who are now funding Tea Party candidates across the nation.

Which gets us to the second part of the perfect storm. A relatively few Americans are buying our democracy as never before. And they’re doing it completely in secret.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into advertisements for and against candidates -- without a trace of where the dollars are coming from. They’re laundered through a handful of groups."


New Member

"It’s a perfect storm. And I’m not talking about the Democrats. I’m talking about our system of democratic capitalism.

First, income in America is now more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years. Almost a quarter of total income generated in the United States is going to the top 1 percent of Americans.

The top one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans now earn as much as the bottom 120 million of us.

Who are these people? With the exception of a few entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, they’re top executives of big corporations and Wall Street, hedge-fund managers, and private equity managers. They include the Koch brothers, whose wealth increased by billions last year and who are now funding Tea Party candidates across the nation.

Which gets us to the second part of the perfect storm. A relatively few Americans are buying our democracy as never before. And they’re doing it completely in secret.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into advertisements for and against candidates -- without a trace of where the dollars are coming from. They’re laundered through a handful of groups."

Some of this rich 1% are Congress critters like Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, or rich like the faux President who made millions at being a Community organiser and who take funds from other 1% ers like George Soros and who support their rich Democrat cousins in the Congress.

Organisation like Move-On didnt exactly get their big bucks from the poor.


Power with Control
Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into advertisements for and against candidates -- without a trace of where the dollars are coming from. They’re laundered through a handful of groups."[/SIZE][/FONT]

Wait wait, I know!!!!! The unions!!!!!! Right? Did I win a ridiculous benefits/pension plan that I know will bankrupt the company that employs me?
Pretty soon we can have stuff like truckers driving I-95 at 10mph to prove a point while students burn tires in front of refineries!!!!!! Union YES!!!!!:yahoo: