Mark Shields: I've Never Heard a Democratic Leader




LIAR ...........

Mark Shields: I've Never Heard a Democratic Leader Accuse Bush of Lying Us Into War

Was Shields out of the country during the 2004 presidential campaign? Did he somehow miss many of the Democratic presidential candidates at that time making the "Bush lied" assertion including Howard Dean and the eventual nominee John Kerry?

What's fascinating is Shields would make this claim in a segment that began with the host asking, "What’s happened to honest objective reporting" to be followed by Thomas's "Is it possible that real untruth will take hold in a way that we didn’t think was possible in our system?"

Yeah, I'd say that's possible, Evan, given the number of people on the left that have regularly espoused the untruth that Bush lied to get the nation into the Iraq War.

Also curious was Shields equating Obama's religion issue with the press mimicking the "Bush Lied" Democrat talking point.

It seems quite clear Shields finds the former far worse than the latter.

Color me very unsurprised.
