Local Humble Hero Needs Your Vote


New Member
Bill Curry, of Lusby, (born and raised on Broomes Island) has been nominated for an award, Tradesperson of the Year, sponsored by WD-40. You probably haven’t heard of Bill because he hasn’t sought notoriety but you have certainly benefited from his environmental efforts, if you live in So MD. Bill has been involved for so long and in so much that I cannot even list it all, from repopulating yellow perch to fighting the destruction of oyster beds due to commercial fishing.

Bill also is a humanitarian. He has literally saved lives by being a first responder, administering CPR before emergency medical scenes arrive on the scene. How many people will administer CPR to a complete stranger, in this day and age?

Moreover, Bill’s professional skills are exceptional. I’ve seen his portfolio, and calling this talented woodworker just a carpenter is akin to calling Van Gogh just a painter. He really puts one in mind of another carpenter we all know… please vote

There are only four days left for voting.

Please vote for him at:
Rebuilding Together Tradesperson of the Year Presented by WD-40
P.S. - Voting seems to only work in IE browser window.
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