Bachman did a decent job on Meet the Press...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...with David Gregory on the economy but, totally fumbled the foreign policy question about whether the goings on in Libya are of our national interest. He played a quote of hers from January where she said the future of America was in doubt and Gregory's question was out of context and she corrected him pretty well stating that she said that in context of the economy but, then, went into a rote response about Gates and then, oddly, Patreus.

Then, she finished poorly, taking a softball from Gregory about her comments calling Obama's leadership 'gangster government'. She went into it well, going after him and his 1,000 exemptions for Obamacare for his favored groups but, then backed away from the issue saying Obama's action the last two years speak for themselves.

I think she did well when Gregory asked her about Baynor and potential challenges to his leadership but, again, she let it go how he, Baynor, let Obama off the hook with the tax deal.

All in all, she's doing the work but, she just doesn't have the mastery of the issues, in my view, to be leading because she, again, in my view, doesn't come off well enough to win the daily rhetorical hand to hand of political leadership.



New Member
...with David Gregory on the economy but, totally fumbled the foreign policy question about whether the goings on in Libya are of our national interest. He played a quote of hers from January where she said the future of America was in doubt and Gregory's question was out of context and she corrected him pretty well stating that she said that in context of the economy but, then, went into a rote response about Gates and then, oddly, Patreus.

Then, she finished poorly, taking a softball from Gregory about her comments calling Obama's leadership 'gangster government'. She went into it well, going after him and his 1,000 exemptions for Obamacare for his favored groups but, then backed away from the issue saying Obama's action the last two years speak for themselves.

I think she did well when Gregory asked her about Baynor and potential challenges to his leadership but, again, she let it go how he, Baynor, let Obama off the hook with the tax deal.

All in all, she's doing the work but, she just doesn't have the mastery of the issues, in my view, to be leading because she, again, in my view, doesn't come off well enough to win the daily rhetorical hand to hand of political leadership.


You are right, she doesn't have the experience yet.

But remember this she is basically working alone here. Her points are valid why arent the rest of them screaming and shouting these same points and why does a person as inexperienced as she have to take the lead in this.

Where are the experienced Republicans? The old hands? They are hiding like the cowardly bastards they are.Frightened to take a stand, so she is forced to do the job for them.

She is right about the 105 Billion dollars hidden in Obamacare.
She is right about Obama's Gangster Government.
She is right about the exemptions

She isn't good on foreign policy because she is too busy trying to straighten out some of the Domestic policies Obama is screwing up while the others in her party are frightened to open their mouths.

Look at her as what she is and not as a Presidential contender.As a Republican member of the House she is doing great. She is doing what the others haven't the balls to do. She is taking the lead because the rest are sitting on their asses doing nothing. If they all were as good as her we would get this mess straightened out.

Where are Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and other so called leaders?
Presidential contenders. Have you heard from them on their views of what should be done in Libya??

I haven't,


Lovin' being Texican
You are right, she doesn't have the experience yet.

Where are Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and other so called leaders?
Presidential contenders. Have you heard from them on their views of what should be done in Libya??

I haven't,

Remember that the current leadership of he Republican party still doesn't know what to do with the TEA politicians. Leadership cannot throw their unbridled support so far to the right not knowing if this is a political fad or a real sea-change in politics. Thus, it takes a brave spokesperson or two standing out front taking the spears to the breast until something finally breaks. Michelle and Sarah have taken that role and, in my humble opinion, are doing a good job of it. Remember, TEA is not principally interested in foreign affairs except as it impacts the American economy and vitality. Let Bachmann preach economics and government waste. Let someone else talk about foreign affairs, someone who aspires to the White House. Nobody is grilling Chris Christy on foreign affairs and everybody wants him to run for President. Show a little consistency here.