McCain's Albright Moment


Ubi bene ibi patria
McCain's Albright Moment - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

"Remember back in the everyone-is-gay old '90s, when then-U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madaleine Albright, frustrated by Washington's then-inaction in stopping Serbian slaughter in Bosnia, delivered this infamous zinger to then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell?

"What's the use of having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't use it?"

Well, last week Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) expressed some positively Albrightian frustration about Washington's current disinterest in using the military to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya:

"Of course we have to have a no-fly zone," McCain said at an event hosted by the Atlantic Council in Washington on Tuesday. "We are spending over $500 billion dollars, not counting Iraq and Afghanistan, on our nation's defense. Don't tell me we can't do a no-fly zone over Tripoli."

"I love the military, I love it, it's been my life, but they always seem to find reasons why you can't do something rather than why you can," he added.