Group Homes and Adults with Disabilities Care


We are parents of a 26 year old male with CP and developmental delay. He needs daily help preparing meals, bathing, getting dressed and completing toilet tasks. He's a happy guy and entertains himself watching children's TV and playing computer games that are not too tasking (Preschool and some 1st and 2nd Grade level games). I've read that Maryland is one of the most progressive states in the country when it comes to supporting/helping people like our son. We will need to eventually place him in a group setting where he can live (and be safe). He has SSI and a case worker who checks in with us once a year. I'm looking to get better hooked into any parent networks in the area so we can start looking at long term options in SoMD. Is this area best suited for our son's needs? Have parents with simular situations found solutions? I've also read that there is funding available in certain states that pay parents who stay at home to care for their disabled child(ren). Does MD offer this? I've looked around on the state websites but they can be hard to navigate. Parent networks are usually the best resource. My wife and I worked with a resource group in California advocating for parents and it was quite fulfilling. We'd be willing to help with that too. Any help would be appreciated.