for better or worse


pulled from CNN this morning...
Bride and widow in single ceremony

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 Posted: 9:43 PM EST (0243 GMT)

NICE, France (AP) -- Dressed in a demure black suit, a 35-year-old Frenchwoman has married her dead boyfriend, an exchange of vows that required authorization from President Jacques Chirac. . . .

So, is this better or worse than gay marriages? You tell me.


At least neither marriage can pro-create. :yay:

Chickie needs to let go of the stiff and move on....or climb in before the back fill the hole.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by rebeka
So, is this better or worse than gay marriages? You tell me.

Certainly no better, but by change the definition of marriage this is direction we're moving in.


definition of marriage

Which definition of marriage? I've heard so many lately!

Does anyone out there have the one true definition of marriage? or is that a falacy.


Not dead yet.
ONE man, ONE woman, 'till death do you part.

I realize that will ruffle many feathers out there, but that's the definition I was raised with back in the 60's and 70's. Lately we've been in a bit of a slide, and it's taboo to say anything about it.