(Surprise!!!) Microsoft warns of critical flaw


Set Trippin
SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- Microsoft Corp. says a critical flaw in most versions of its flagship Windows operating system could allow attackers to run malicious programs on personal computers.

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Asperger's Poster Child
This is going to keep happening as long as Gates insists on the "seamless Web experience" concept.

His idea was to integrate IE, Windows and MS Outlook so that the Web and the local computing experience would be indistingushiable. It's an admirable idea, except that it assumes the Web to be as safe as your desktop. :lol: (For the computer programmers reading this, this also goes against the principle of object-oriented programming.)

I'm not anti-Microsoft. Gates and his colleages are geniuses who deserve a lot of credit for bringing friendly non-DOS computing to the world. While they borrowed a lot of ideas from Apple, they made those ideas widely accessible.

Still, Gates' flaw is that he really believes that his ideas and solutions are absolutely the right ones for everyone. Not malicious ego, but simply a tunnel-visioned desire to make the world a better place. He needs to be practical and recognize that the Web can be a dangerous place.