Dershowitz OBL Gut Check: The US Is a Bunch of Hyp


New Member
The Myopic attitudes of the liberals and most people of the mid-east, as well as the terrorist penchant to exploit the most blood thirsty of any means to justify an ends; would have resulted in us gravely regretting taking him alive, if we had done so.

I'm sure, even liberal idealogue Obama, if he hadn't realized it himself, would have realized it when he was briefed on the options and possible outcomes of every scenario.

Does anyone doubt a captured OBL imprisoned by the U.S. wouldn't be turned into a non-ending circus, by the liberals, many mid-easterners and violence by islamic radicals?

If they want to complain about killing OBL instead of capturing him, they only have themselves and their lack of being reasonable about anything to blame.

Gaurantee, if there was any discussion about dismissing the idea of taking OBL captive, it was NOT for reasons of revenge or emotional angry retribution, it was all an impartial analysis of likely outcomes based off current and recent events that would lead any reasonable person to conclude, a living captive OBL would be a disaster because of the very people that complain about killing him.

Dershowitz would have insisted on defending OBL, and would have tried to get him off on a technicality.:bigwhoop: