No. 129 of 365



No. 29

Praise the enlightened attitudes of those nice, caring Palestinians in Hamas-who recently banned women from riding motorcycles.

Clearly their motivation is to protect the fairer sex from the myriad dangers associated with this most risky form of transport. No wonder liberal Americans prefer Gaza's gentle, sensitive feminist government to that of Israel, whose government callously treats its women folk as if they were no different from men. Why, Israeli women are even allowed to disport themselves in revealing swimwear on the beach, exposing themselves to the lascivious stares of men who might at any stage come up to them and say "Hi!" and invite them for a drink, with goodness knows what terrible potential consequences. Much better to live in Gaza, where the religious police protect girls from such horrors by giving them a sound beating if they are found improperly dressed!


New Member
I find the musems with American and Israeli Flags as foot mats at the door, that celibrate terrorist attacks that killed innocent Israeli children and woman;
The text books claiming Jews are monkeys and pigs;
The propaganda claiming Jews are stealing Arab Land and forcing Arabs off of it;
The trading cards for children, one for every suicide bomber that has attacked israel;
The setting of bombs and booby traps that have killed far more Palestinians in recent conflicts, but claiming that it was Israeli attacks, and repeated by the media without checking, nor even acknowledging the Palestinians that acknowledged it;
The shipments of weapons from Iran, caught red handed, but ignored by the news;
The constant and unprovoked rocket attacks on civilian targets from Palestinian areas into Israel;
The fact the PLO still has NOT lived up to its promises in peace deals and removed "the Destruction of Israel" from its Charter;
The list goes on and on; BUT lets NOT talk about that, lets talk about the false accusation against Israel like they are true.

That bothers me more than them NOT letting their women ride motorcycles.