Conservative Media Defend Tax Breaks For Big Oil


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"Conservative media claim that recent proposals to repeal tax breaks for the five largest oil companies will "make gasoline more expensive." However, energy experts say that cutting the tax incentives will have little to no effect on prices at the pump.


New Member
Are these the same experts that developed the policies that gave us $4.00 a gallon gas?
Yea, the same experts that said drilling for more oil domestically would have no effect because it takes 7 years before a well produces oil.:killingme

Just ignore that 7 years before that, liberals and the media shut down conservatives trying to increase domestic production and banned an development of the Alaskain Anwar region.

Just ignore that three years ago, the last time we had $4 a gallon gas, they used that excuse and did nothing for the future, and instead of being half-way if NOT there in greater supply from domestic development, we are still in the same boat.

Just ignore, every industry experts says it takes only 6 months for a well to start producing, and it can be done in as little as 3 months. It is government red tape and environmental red tape that adds more than 7 years to the process. Which experts agree, could easily be shortened to 1/4, even 1/10th the time, and still meet every government and environmental requirement. BUT government listens to the environmentalist and they don't want to make it easier for oil.