Unions paid off by Brown with Sweetheart contract




18 days off for a 1st yr employee .... paid to walk from your car to the door

if we cannot do away with public sector unions, contracts should be voted on by the people of the state or county where they are valid

'if it cannot vote, it doesn't donate money to politicians' Larry Guide

The Golden State Browns: Governor Moonbeam Paying off Unions & Pushing for Higher Taxes In CA

"Businesses are leaving California in droves, a state that faces a billion dollar budget gap and is awash in unfunded liabilities ... so what do the good taxpaying citizens of California do in response? They elect a liberal democrat as their governor, a guy who was literally bought and paid for by the very same public union employees that are bankrupting the state." -- Joe Hicks

video is currently on the front page of the 'Hicks File' tab

PJTV - Hicks File


New Member
"No such thing as a Shovel Ready Job"? Ok, nearly 3 years later, so those infrastructures projects, Obama got a so much money spent on, they should be getting kicked off about know, huh?

What, Obama came out and said we have to spend all the money again, because we need to fix infrastructure? Huh, what happened the first time around, did he just flush the money down the toilet?

Oh, wait, do you think this goes on with the Federal Unions also?