The Left’s Very Anti-PC Strategy: Hate, Fear, Ster




The Left’s Very Anti-PC Strategy: Hate, Fear, Stereotype, and Treat Diversity as Evil

When one talks to supporters of President Barack Obama, one quickly learns that his actual policies and their relative success or failure are of no importance for many of them. Some have defected, many more are worried (even if they won’t admit it publicly) but might overcome their doubts and vote for him again.

The significant factor shaping their views is one of self-image. That’s why evidence and events have relatively little influence on them unless — which may be precisely what happens in America between now and November 2012 — these things become too big to ignore. “Too big to ignore!” Perhaps that should be a counter-slogan against “Too big to fail.”

To support Obama makes them smart, sophisticated, anti-racist, modern, members of an intellectual and social elite standing against the yahoos with the pitchforks out in the provinces. From the defenders of the downtrodden, the left has transformed itself into the well-financed aristocracy sneering at the peasantry.

That’s why the theme of portraying the opposition as greedy, rich, fat-cat, corporate chieftains and simultaneously hillbilly, gun-toting, religious fanatic racists who think Obama is a Muslim-born in Kenya and want to reinstitute slavery is so incredibly effective in shoring up its base of support.

Even the simplest points of fact — that the Tea Party is a group of people opposed to big government, high taxes, tight regulation, and large deficits — barely appear amidst the propaganda aimed at discrediting any opposition as illegitimate.

If you can persuade people that anyone is insane if they want to cut economically unproductive government spending and not raise taxes at a time of massive depression and growing deficits, then you have a pretty good propaganda machine.

The hardcore Obama supporter is not watching unemployment levels, the economy, the mess in Egypt and Libya, or the effectiveness of health care reform. His concern is that if he decides Obama is a terrible president it means he is one of “them.” This is a horror he can never accept. For the Jews among them — which explains their higher membership in this group — these factors are reinforced by the image of becoming the very Nazi Cossack Klu Klux Klan monster that is their worst nightmare.

sneering @ Peasants leads to this link from Rush back in 08;

Nora Ephron's Rage and Hatred

RUSH: Nora Ephron today at the Huffington Post: another example of how stupid and racist liberals are. She begins this way: "Here's another thing I don't like about this primary: Now that there are only two Democratic candidates, it's suddenly horribly absolutely crystal-clear that this is an election about gender and race." Well, Nora, it's always been about gender and race and sex and bigotry and so forth. This is identity politics! That's what the Democrat Party's known for. She correctly then asserts, "This may have always been true, but weeks ago it wasn't so obvious -- once upon a time there were eight candidates, and although six of them withered away, their presence in the campaign managed to obscure things. Even around the time of Ohio, when there were primarily three candidates, the outlines were murky, because Edwards was still in there, picking up votes from all sectors. But now there are two and we're facing Pennsylvania and whom are we kidding? This is an election about whether the people of Pennsylvania hate blacks more than they hate women. And when I say people, I don't mean people, I mean white men.

"How ironic is this? After all this time, after all these stupid articles about how powerless white men are and how they can't even get into college because of overachieving women and affirmative action and mean lady teachers who expected them to sit still in the third grade even though they were all suffering from terminal attention deficit disorder -- after all this, they turn out (surprise!) to have all the power. (As they always did, by the way; I hope you didn't believe any of those articles.)" Hey, Nora, I want to raise my hand. You ought to have a profound respect for me, ma'am, because it is I, El Rushbo, who has been pointing this out for 18 years on this program. Go check out every presidential election, look at the returns, find out who gets the margin of the white male vote, and you'll generally -- practically every example -- you'll find the winner. Who is it, Nora, that's been trying to disabuse white men in this country for how long? Has it not been your precious little feminist movement taking root in the late sixties, early seventies? Has it not been the Democrat Party which has sought to disparage white men as predators, child abusers, veritable brutes? It's your party, madam, which has sought to characterize men this way.

It is your party which is a minority party and based on the empowerment of minorities, that has had your ammo trained on white men because they were the majority and you hated 'em -- or the Democrat Party did -- as a group. And now the truth comes out. And now it's: Who do white men hate most? Notice that she does not characterize it or put it in the positive: Who do white men like the most? Could it not be, Madam Ephron, that if Obama happens to get a majority of the votes tomorrow -- it's unlikely, but if he does -- couldn't you say that a lot of white guys like him? If Hillary happens to win, couldn't you say a lot of white guys like her? No, can't be! White men have to hate. White men are bigots. They're racists, they're sexists, they're homophobes, and all of that. So she has to put it through the lens of negativity. She then continues: "To put it bluntly, the next president will be elected by them," white men. Yes, Madam Ephron, as foretold by me for 18, 20 years on this program. "[T]he outcome of Tuesday's primary will depend on whether they go for Hillary or Obama, and the outcome of the general election will depend on whether enough of them vote for McCain. A lot of them will: white men cannot be relied on, as all of us know who have spent a lifetime dating them."

White Men

Nora Ephron

Author; Editor At Large, Huffington Post

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Well-Known Member
"The hardcore Obama supporter is not watching unemployment levels, the economy, the mess in Egypt and Libya, or the effectiveness of health care reform. His concern is that if he decides Obama is a terrible president it means he is one of “them.” This is a horror he can never accept."

Very insightful.