Did Cambodia's first lady mock Obama???


No Use for Donk Twits
President Obama's historic first tour of Southeast Asia ended with a questionably disrespectful exchange between the president and Cambodia's first lady, Bun Rany.

Obama became the first ever U.S. president to visit Cambodia earlier this week, when he ended his four-day visit to the region by attending the annual East Asia Summit it was hosting.

Unlike the president's constructive visit to Myanmar, where he met with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and praised the country's progress, Obama had made it clear he was only in Cambodia to attend the summit.

The president went straight from the airport to a meeting with Prime Minister Hun Sen that White House officials described as tense, with Obama emphasizing his concerns over the Cambodian leader's poor democratic leadership model and the country's worsening human rights abuses.

Then later Obama and Sen changed into traditional silk shirts before settling down for dinner with the other world leaders at the East Asia Summit in Phnom Penh.

Just before dinner, all appeared to be well as Sen formally introduced his wife, Cambodia's First Lady Bun Rany, to the president.

Rany greeted Obama with the traditional ‘sampeah’ greeting -- a pressed-hands gesture that shows respect for a person. Where a person's hands are placed and how deeply they bow during the gesture indicates their level of respect for the person they are greeting.

Rany placed her hands at chest level and tilted the upper half of her body slightly, leading the editorial board at Investor's Business Daily to believe that she was showing disrespect to the president.

Read more: Did Cambodia's first lady mock Obama with a 'greeting that's meant for servants?' | Mail Online


I guess the Won isn't as regarded as a "God" other than in the U.S.

But then again, they aren't getting free "Obama Phones".


Having Fun!
As far as quid pro quo goes, he didn't exactly show her respect either --- looked like their bows were about equal.

I read the article on the link and was interested in the expression on the face of the lady he was hugging in Myanmar. She did not look very comfortable...and was that a smile or is she clenching her teeth?