News Flash: Hollywood hates Southerners


Well-Known Member
Or maybe it's because she is in the military.

They didn't give it to her because she dropped the final "g" at the end of "swimming."

Unfrickin' believable.

'Wheel Of Fortune' Maybe Screws Over Contestant On 'Seven Swans A Swimming' Answer (VIDEO)

Renee didn't get credit for the answer. Contestant Amy did, on the next spin. But notice in the aftermath how host Pat Sajak appears to gloss over the potential tension by telling puzzled winner Amy that Renee understood what had happened. Then watch Renee's mouth tighten as she dutifully nods, while Sajak calmly explains to the audience and Amy that Renee used vernacular speech instead of sounding out the "G" -- and that Renee knew that. "But that's OK," Sajak adds. "We still have some time."

Sajak is a gutless wonder.