So how would you deal with this piece of toilet film?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Army lived up to their end of the bargain, but this kid wants to renege on his end. I say the Army's better off without him. Let him stay in Canada and partake of their wonderful healthcare system when he gets sick. Teach him to sing "O Canada" and be done with him.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
He didn't know that by joining the Army he might have to go and fight? What a crock of sh!t. A bullet would be too quick, maybe catching him and dragging him off to Iraq or Afghanistan and making him live up to his obligation by digging latrines is what he needs. The "I was only 17 and was fooled" doesn't cut it. No wonder his folks signed his enlistment papers, they didn't want him around either. Like Vraiblonde says, stay in Canada or maybe move to France. I'm sure he would feel more at home. BTW, how does this site rate the ".org"? It should be a ".yellow".


Ft Levenworth KS!

I guess he thought he was just going to play guns for a while and then the Army was going to give him a wad of cash.


What really bothers me about these people is that they keep saying "immoral war" or "unjust war" when the real motivation is that they're just plain cowards.

My punishment would be for him to shoot a 60-second commercial that would air across the US in which he would have to admit that he's a coward, that he violated his contract with the military because he is a coward, and that he's unfit to be an American. Just let a POS like that try to get beyond the counter at McDonalds after that.


Unfortunately some jackass like Michael Moore would probably give him a very good job for doing something like that.


Well-Known Member
Stick him in the rathole that they dragged Saddam out of and seal it with a glass top and charge $20.00 each for a view of a real living coward!!!


Not dead yet.
People on the left that support this kind of stuff don't seem to understand that character means standing by your word. If this dummy joined the army, that means he raised his hand and SWORE an OATH. Now he has broken his word and is as useless and reputable as a Frenchman.


"Fill your hands you SOB!

I would suggest firing squad, but that would mean the waste of perfectly good bullets.

Coward, coward, coward....that's all he is.

I sneer at people who join the military and then panic when they might actually have to fight someday! Cowards!

:burning: :burning: :burning:


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Unfortunately some jackass like Michael Moore would probably give him a very good job for doing something like that.

Thats a common misperception about Liberals. They're all 100% supportive of anyone that benefits their political goals, but they don't suffer fools. They'll cozy up to this clown while there's some political gain to be had, but once he's yesterday's news, he'll quickly find himself on the outs with his new-found buddies.

Also, agendas are agendas, but business is business. Someone who's a total coward and who renigged on his commitments is not someone that anyone, Liberal or Conservative, is going to trust to be an employee. They may give him a temporary, "honorary", position while he's in the limelight, but once the light goes out it'll be "you're fired."


24/7 Single Dad
I don't agree with his decision, but I respect his courage to leave everything he's familiar with behind to stand up for his conviction.
If he's sincere in his belief that the war is immoral, he did the right thing. Better to run to Canada than toss gernades in his comrads tents.