Wash. Post fooled by fake story of Sarah Palin...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
joining Al-Jazeera. :lmao:

Fake news fools again.

Another journalist fell prey to a fake story on a satirical website, and reported it as news. This time, a blogger for the Washington Post reported—wrongly—that Sarah Palin, the former Republican candidate for vice president who recently parted way with Fox News, had moved on to the Al-Jazeera network to reach millions of "devoutly religious people."


As surfaced by Politico, Washington Post blogger Suzi Parker cited the Daily Currant as her source for a “She the People” column under the headline “Sarah Palin tries to stay relevant.”

Parker even pulled a quote from the story supposedly from the maverick herself:

“As you all know, I’m not a big fan of newspapers, journalists, news anchors and the liberal media in general,” Palin said. “But I met with the folks at Al-JaJizzraa (sic) and they told me they reach millions of devoutly religious people who don’t watch CBS or CNN. That tells me they don’t have a liberal bias.”

Sarah had the last laugh:

The former Alaskan governor, however, who likes to make her own news, tweeted her own fake scoop in response:

"Hey @washingtonpost, I'm having coffee with Elvis this week. He works at the Mocha Moose in Wasilla."

Washington Post fooled by fake story of Sarah Palin joining Al-Jazeera | The Lookout - Yahoo! News