More great news about Obamacare


Well-Known Member
In the latest preview of prices for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, Maryland’s dominant insurer says proposed premiums for new policies for individuals will rise by 25 percent on average next year.

Late Tuesday, Maryland regulators posted proposed rates and benefits for health plans to be sold through an online exchange, a step required under the health act, known as the Maryland Health Connection.

Maryland is an important state to watch because it has embraced Obamacare’s insurance reforms, setting up its own marketplace. But there have been serious concerns that the insurance offered here — and on every other exchange across the country — might be too expensive for people to buy.

Many have warned that guaranteeing coverage at regulated prices for sick people would drive up the cost of insurance in the individual market. The ACA prohibits charging sicker members substantially more but allows plans to adjust premiums for age and other factors, within strict limits.

Taking those factors into account, CareFirst premiums for individual plans could rise as high as 150 percent next year for healthy young men and decrease slightly for someone older and sicker, Burrell said.

CareFirst: 25% premium rise for Marylanders | Maryland Daily Record


mama to two

IMO, there is more to Obamascare than just health care. It is part of a bigger agenda to destroy the middle class. It makes no sense to pass legislation that could cause premiums to rise as much as 150%. So, let's see, Obamascare will give free health care to entitlement groupies, and illegals, but will break the bank, and the back of the middle class that is barely holding this country together. And, don't forget some of our wonderful elected representatives in DC are trying to see if they can be exempt from Obamascare. It all makes perfect sense.
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professional daydreamer
Yep, won't be long. The middle class will be on the dole, too. That's when the country is going to crumble.


Well-Known Member
IMO, there is more to Obamascare than just health care. It is part of a bigger agenda to bring down the middle class. It makes no sense to pass legislation that could cause premiums to rise as much as 150%. So, let's see, Obamascare will give free health care to entitlement groupies, but will break the bank, and the back of the middle class that is barely holding this country together. And, don't forget some of our wonderful elected representatives in DC are trying to see if they can be exempt from Obamascare. It all makes perfect sense.

I like to think of it as a way for Obama to get his name in the history books.

He thinks it's what's best for all of us, and that government is better at doing business than the private sector.

All these new revelations and price increases are just coming out because no one had enough time to go through it before it got rammed through Congress.

Will he man up and say, you know, this thing is way out of hand?

Hell no, he's going to continue to say it's what's best for us. While everyone goes broke.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Excuse me OP but in the rules of the internet you can NEVER use the words GREAT NEWS & OBAMACARE in the same sentence.

That is unless they pass a law to overturn it.



In My Opinion
I like to think of it as a way for Obama to get his name in the history books.

He thinks it's what's best for all of us, and that government is better at doing business than the private sector.

All these new revelations and price increases are just coming out because no one had enough time to go through it before it got rammed through Congress.

Will he man up and say, you know, this thing is way out of hand?

Hell no, he's going to continue to say it's what's best for us. While everyone goes broke.

I think that you are pretty much on target here, except to explain exactly what it is that he thinks is best for the United States.
Based on how destructive he has been, I honestly think he is pushing people to poverty in order to force dependency on government handouts.
Waiting for the next step where the government starts business to bring income in to cover the bread and cheese that we will all be grateful to receive


PREMO Member
The middle class will be on the dole, too. That's when the country is going to crumble.

the George Soros / Warren Buffet - Connected Socialists at the TOP ... High Party Members in the middle, the rest of us at the BOTTOM