A Faith To Stand Firm


PREMO Member
A Faith To Stand Firm

To be clear, being gay in the sense that one might be attracted to the same sex, is not a sin. It’s actually engaging in a physical same sex relationship that is the sin and that presents the conundrum. We live in a world where we cannot teach abstinence education — the only sure fire way to avoid pregnancy and STD’s — because the left tells us the kids are going to do it anyway. Likewise, with few exceptions, it does little to say being gay is not the sin, but engaging in sexual relations with the same sex is, because the left only chooses to make that distinction at times like this. After all, they tell us the kids are going to do it anyway.

I dare say the gay people I know who, because of their deep faith in Christ, shun physical relationships, are treated more as outcasts by the gay community than their church community.

In the modern age, the loudest voices of amorality tell us we cannot accept the sinner without also accepting their sin.

Christians are taught to love everyone, but we are specifically taught not to accept sin. In the story many of the “stop judging me” crowd note, the Pharisees wanted to stone an adulteress. Christ told them “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” But Christ went on to forgive the adulteress, showing her compassion, and told her, “go, and from now on sin no more.”

When the modern age doesn’t think homosexuality is a sin, the modern age runs head long into scripture. Those who think Christ wouldn’t condemn homosexual practice — like Rob Bell — are left asking where Jesus actually, specifically mentioned homosexual practice.