Another one of Barry's sons..


Well-Known Member
A responding officer reported that one of the accused children, later identified as a 6-year-old Chalais Ramey, walked toward him and grabbed his gun with both hands in an attempt to remove it from the holster.

“I tried to take the cop’s gun,” Ramey admitted to Channel 11’s Jennifer Tomazic.

The police report said the boy then caused a commotion in the back of the police car and when he was told that his mother would soon be there, he lunged at an officer and bit him.

“When I was in the back of the car I was kicking the window and he slammed me, and he put the handcuffs on me and he choked me, and that's when he put me back in the car,” said Ramey.

“I'm not going to make excuses. It was not right for him to reach for the gun, but it was not right for a cop to do what he did to my son. He's only 6. He didn't have to do that,” said Ramey’s mother, Lisa Miller.

Do what, ho-bag!? Tase him? Oops, didn't do that. Beat him? Nope, not that, either, though he could have used it. Your little demon spawn stole a bicycle, tried to grab a cop's gun, then bit the cop.

Put the little animal down before he hurts or kills someone.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
This kid takes after Obama's mother's side of the family more than his father's side. But the kid has down cold the "De cops mistreat me" refrain.


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Police: 6-year-old pulls knife on playmate, steals iPod |

Pittsburgh police said a 6-year-old pulled a knife on another 6-year-old at a Northview Heights playground and stole the child’s iPod.

Sloan said officers are more cautious when dealing with children.

She said she is “letting them know not to put your guard down when you're approached and 6-year-olds are involved, that you know to keep an eye on them and be more alert.”