Pledge of Allegiance under review in Massachusetts


Ubi bene ibi patria
Link to original article.

"(CNN) -- The Pledge of Allegiance is recited in classrooms across the country every morning -- and because of the words "under God," it is heard in courtrooms across the country seemingly just as often these days.

Every attempt to eliminate the mention of God has thus far failed, but the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts will hear arguments on Wednesday seeking removal of the two words for a new reason: discrimination.

"This is the first challenge of its kind" said Roy Speckhardt, the executive director of the American Humanist Association, an atheist group arguing for the plaintiffs. "We feel very confident that we have a strong case."

That case, which was brought by an unidentified family of a student at a school in suburban Boston, will be argued on the premise that the pledge violates the Equal Rights Amendment of the Massachusetts Constitution. It is the first such case to be tried on the state level: All previous attempts have been argued in federal court on the grounds that 'under God' was an unconstitutional violation of the separation of church and state.

"They're grasping at straws" said Eric Rassbach of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, the attorney arguing to leave the pledge as it is. "They know they would lose again if they tried it under the First Amendment, so now they are trying a new tack."

Rassbach dismissed the discrimination claim because he said everyone has the right to opt out of saying the pledge. "This would be very different if they were forced to recite the pledge," he said.

But that makes little difference in the eyes of Speckhardt.

"The opt-out itself is exclusionary and unpleasant" he said. "Children are left with a bad choice: either stand up and recite something against your beliefs, or opt out and be ostracized." "


Snarky 'ol Cuss
I'm pretty sure the morning pledge is still voluntary. Maybe the kid could just keep his mouth shut if he doesn't want to recite the words for whatever reason.



PREMO Member
Pledge of Allegiance skipped, Muslim poem read at Boston school on 9/11

The principal of Concord Carlisle High School in Boston issued an apology Wednesday after a Muslim poem was recited over the intercom on the 12th anniversary of 9/11, and the Pledge of Allegiance was not.

According to principal Peter Badalament, a “small number” of people were outraged at the poem, which was meant to promote “cross-cultural understanding,” reported. Apparently, the Pledge of Allegiance was not read because of some confusion.

“Yesterday was the first Wednesday of the school year; we were unaware that our student Pledge reader had an internship commitment on this day,” Mr. Badalament said in the statement. “This was our responsibility to know. We humbly apologize that this oversight and communication gap occurred.”
Mohja Kahf’s “My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears,” tells a granddaughter’s account of watching her grandmother adhere to the religious Muslim custom of washing her feet five times a day, reported.

Read more: Pledge of Allegiance skipped, Muslim poem read at Boston school on 9/11 - Washington Times
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